
A simple brainf interpreter

Primary LanguageC

Simple Brainf Interpreter

A simple brainf interpreter which can handle nested loops.

About brainf

Brainf is a imperative, tape-based, one-dimensional turing complete programming language designed by Urban Müller in 1993.

More: https://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck


> increment the data pointer
< decrement the data pointer
+ increment the data at the data pointer
- decrement the data at the data pointer
. output the data at the data pointer
, read input, storing the data at the data pointer
[ if the data at the pointer is zero, instead of moving the instruction pointer forward one, jump it forward to the command after the matching ] command
] if the data at the pointer is nonzero, instead of moving the instruction pointer forward, jump it back to the command after the matching ] command

How to Build


How to run

./bf hello.b

Hello world!
