
This is a list of upcoming front-end related conferences.

#Front-End Conferences

This is a list of upcoming front-end related conferences. If you know of any other ones that haven't been listed yet, fork this repository and create a new pull request.

The following content can also be found on http://frontendfront.com/conferences.


3rd CSS Conf of China
17 December, 2016
Guangzhou, China


CSSConf Australia
30 November, 2016
Melbourne Australia

JSConf Australia
1 December, 2016
Melbourne Australia

2 December, 2016
Melbourne, Australia


JS Kongress Munich
28-29 November, 2016
Munich, Germany

2 December, 2016
Paris, France

5 December, 2016
Paris, France

Agent Conference
20-21 January, 2017
Dornbirn, Austria

27 January, 2017
Linz, Austria

The Rolling Scopes Conference
18-19 February, 2017
Minsk, Belarus

Bulgaria Web Summit 2017
7-8 Aptil, 2017
Sofia, Bulgaria

6-7 May, 2017
Berlin, Germany

DEVit Conference
20-21 May, 2017
Thessaloniki, Greece

24-26 May, 2017
Warsaw, Poland

Frontend United
26-27 May 2017
Athens, Greece

Render Conf 2017
30-31 March, 2017
Oxford, England

Frontend Conference Zurich
31 August - 1 September, 2017
Zurich, Switzerland

16-17 September 2017
Ekaterinburg, Russia

##North America

ng-conf 2017
April 5-7, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah USA

##South America JSConf Colombia 2016
October 7-8, 2016
Medellin Colombia

Front in POA 2016
December 10, 2016
Porto Alegre Brazil