Reference microservice solution built with the ABP Framework and .NET, runs on Kubernetes with Helm configuration, includes API Gateways, Angular and ASP.NET Core MVC applications, PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases
- 344089386
- antosubash@IIASA
- AoqinNO
- asxuen
- beachwhb
- berkansasmaz@Volosoft
- cdlian
- cdpidanChengdu
- cicna
- coturKortext Inc.
- csuffyyShenzhen, China
- EngincanV@Volosoft
- fengyeju
- furkandeveloperShopiroller
- gdlcf88Shenzhen, China
- hikalkanVolosoft
- JadynWongShanghai
- Jess-Qiu
- jhkmnm
- klaus25
- lazyabpLazyAbp
- LenFonGuangzhou,China
- liquehuo
- NameIsBadCheng Du
- nebiooHepsiburada
- SammoWong
- Snopx
- SuperegoJapan
- tkezyoWeiFang
- valiantzhao深圳
- wangwenjun1987
- WilliamXu96Earth
- wozls
- xqsapper
- yushangbo
- yuyuguo1707