
Wordpress in JSON via API (json api plugin/php/ruby)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

## Wordscript

## Wordpress via JSON

## Whats the big idea?
Whats the big idea?

Wordpress is ubiquitous. Everyone uses it, is comfortable. Its not going away. I spent some time playing around with the JSON API Plugin, and found it easier to work with JSON structures for many applications. I was not thrilled with still needing to use a wordpress plugin so I began porting the SQL from an old project, ikipress, into simple API's influenced by get parameters in PHP, Ruby and Node.js. Also included is a Node.js javascript that wraps your Wordpress site into html (basically the api with a html wrapper).

The API is designed to be as bare bones as possible, leaving the developer to implement more advanced templating engines or frameworks.

## Included

## Javascript wordpress reader (via JSON API Plugin) in js/
## http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/json-api/

## Javascript Node Client

## Ruby API
## Node API

## Ronaldo Barbachano April 2012
## http://doinglines.com