Un simple paquete de php que puede servir de utilidad a cualquiera con muchas herramientas que facilitan el desarrollo de proyectos mucho más rápido.
composer require abr4xas/utils
$ composer update
$ composer dumpautoload -o // optional
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Abr4xas\Utils\SeoUrl;
use Abr4xas\Utils\Gravatar;
use Abr4xas\Utils\TimeFormat;
use Abr4xas\Utils\SuggestKeyword;
use Abr4xas\Utils\PrettyPrintArray;
$slug = SeoUrl::generateSlug('this is an awesome string');
// this-is-an-awesome-string
$gravatar = Gravatar::getAvatarUrl('email@domain.tld', ['s' => 80, 'd' => 'mm', 'secure' => true]);
// https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/0b84841f9b6236d312515dc83046078c?s=80&d=mm&r=g
$timeAgo = TimeFormat::timeAgo('2020-08-25');
// 21 hours ago
$keywords = SuggestKeyword::SuggestKeyword('php');
// Output:
// Array
// (
// [0] => php
// [1] => phpmyadmin
// [2] => php date
// [3] => phpstorm
// [4] => php online
// [5] => php array length
// [6] => php foreach
// [7] => phpunit
// [8] => php array
// [9] => php try catch
// )
use Abr4xas\Utils\RandomStringGenerator;
$token = (new RandomStringGenerator)->generate();
$customAlphabet = '0123456789ABCDEF';
// you can set the custom alphabet from the constructor
$token = (new RandomStringGenerator($customAlphabet))->generate();
// or you can set a new alphabet whenever needed like this:
$token = (new RandomStringGenerator)->setAlphabet($customAlphabet)->generate();
composer test
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