
The all-in-one web app yeoman-generator. :rocket:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ariane Generator

Generator Ariane Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status


Web projects do not meet all the same requirements and need a plethora of tools for their development. Furthermore, we all have preferences and workflow of our own or we want simply to discover other tools. So, with this generator, we offer the ability to deploy quickly and in a jiffy a development environment from the simplest to the most complete.

Special thanks to Lineess for our beautiful logo, the teams of HTML5 Boilerplate, Yeoman, Gulp, Grunt, Bower, Browsersync and to the creators of all the Node.js modules we use.


  • A HMTL boilerplate (based on the critically acclaimed HTML5 Boilerplate)
  • CSS autoprefixing & minifying
  • Choose between Sass, Less or CSS for your stylesheets
  • Bootstrap support (and Foundation 6 coming soon)
  • Map compiled CSS to source stylesheets with source maps
  • Lint & uglify your scripts
  • Built-in preview server with Browsersync
  • Choose your task runner between Gulp and Grunt
  • Image optimization
  • Automatically wire-up dependencies installed with Bower

For more informations on what this generator can do for you, take a look at the documentations.


You should know that all Ruby Sass' features are not implemented by libass. Check out this to find out which features are missing.

If your favorite feature is missing and you really need Ruby Sass, you can always switch to gulp-ruby-sass and update the styles task in gulpfile accordingly.

Getting Started

With gulp

  • Install yeoman : npm install -g yo gulp bower
  • Install the generator: npm install -g generator-ariane
  • Run yo ariane to scaffold your web app
  • Run gulp serve to preview and watch for changes
  • Run bower install --save <package> to install front-end dependencies
  • Run gulp serve:test to run the tests in the browser
  • Run gulp to build your web app for production
  • Run gulp serve:dist to preview the production build

With grunt (coming soon)

  • Install yeoman : npm install -g yo grunt bower
  • Install the generator: npm install -g generator-ariane
  • Run yo ariane to scaffold your web app
  • Run grunt serve to preview and watch for changes
  • Run bower install --save <package> to install front-end dependencies
  • Run grunt serve:test to run the tests in the browser
  • Run grunt to build your web app for production
  • Run grunt serve:dist to preview the production build



  • --skip-welcome-message Skips Yeoman's greeting before displaying options. You shouldn't do that ...
  • --skip-install-message Skips the the message displayed after scaffolding has finished and before the dependencies are being installed.
  • --skip-install Skips the automatic execution of bower and npm after scaffolding has finished.
  • --test-framework=<framework> Either mocha or jasmine. Defaults to mocha for your tests.


