
Helper library for performing Dynamic Undocking from the Barril Group

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status stable Version License



Make a fresh Conda environment

git clone https://github.com/abradle/duck
cd duck
conda env create -f environment.yaml 


Pull down the latest image

docker pull abradle/duck


Activate conda and run like this:

source activate duck
frag_duck run.yaml

Or with Docker run like this:

docker run -it -v $PWD:/data abradle/duck /bin/bash -c "frag_duck /data/run.yaml"

where run.yaml is a file like the following:

prot_code: '1n2v'
prot_int: 'A_ASP_156_OD2'
lig_id: 'BDI'
cutoff: 9
md_len: 0.5
distance: 2.5
init_velocity: 0.00001
num_smd_cycles: 1
gpu_id: '3'
apo_pdb_file: '1n2v_apo.pdb'
mol_file: ligand.mol