
Starter for Mithril.js and Flux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Mithril and Flux

No JSX, Babel, TypeScript or whatever. Just JavaScript with Commonjs modules.


"dependencies": {
  "mithril": "latest"
"devDependencies": {}

The only thing you need to add is CommonJS bundling.

Build with Browserify:
browserify ./src/main.js -o ./public/dist/main.bundle.js

Build with Webpack:
webpack ./src/main.js ./public/dist/main.bundle.js

By default, the package.json will use webpack for npm run build and npm run watch. If you haven't already, npm install -g webpack and you're good to go.

Then open up public/index.html

How do I [something]?

Check out the wiki to this repo!

Why Mithril and not React?

  1. Mithril's redrawing model is very natural and simple to understand. Redrawing computation begins when an attached handler is called, (think onclick=doSomething()) and completes at the end of that stack. No mucking about with subscribing to your stores for changes.

  2. Mithril is a very tiny dependency. The api is very thin and easy to grasp. It also includes basic routing and a nice xhr wrapper with m.request(..).


Easy to use a 'soften' script to convert tabs to spaces, but going the other way is buggy. So this boilerplate starts with tabs because it is easiest to accommodate either preference this way.


Because of the disconnect between the actions in your controllers and the stores they act on, the use of constants ensures typos do not error silently. The dispatcher will throw a TypeError if the action.type is not a string.