
A repo to showcase how to manage ksqlDB in a CI/CD pipeline with testing

Primary LanguageJava


A repo to showcase how to manage ksqlDB in a CI/CD pipeline with testing

The repo gets integrated and deployed through TravisCI onto Confluent Confluent Cloud via a docker build.


The execution folder contains all queries that should be posted onto the ksqlDB server to be ran continuously. All queries are contained within the migrations folder as per the structure required by ksql-migrations.

The ksql-migrations.properties file contains all necessary connectivity settings. All state for the tool is maintained server-side, and therefore it is not necessary to see which queries have been previously posted -- ksqlDB will handle finding the difference and applying it.

Migrations files are immutable ksqlDB will not allow changes to previous migration files and will refuse applying such updates; therefore, when an update is needed a new migration file should be created via ksql-migrations create.


The testing folder contains the necessary files to test topologies. It is organized to test specific migration files and their transformations, with a helper script to run on-PR opening. The naming convention matters for testing. All testing must occur within folders named as the migration file version, as well as the corresponding inputs to ksql-test-runner:

  • ${MIGRATIONS_VERSION}_inputs.json for test inputs to the ksqlDB queries
  • ${MIGRATIONS_VERSION}_outputs.json for test outputs to the ksqlDB queries
  • ${MIGRATIONS_VERSION}_SQL.ksql for test ksqlDB queries

Keep in mind, ksql-test-runner is a bit of a pain, and the testing format is limited. The ksqlDB project has planned a new testing tool (YATT) that is planned for release shortly: KLIP-32.