
Resume Classification and Job Recommender App

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Bangkit Final Capstone Project: Resume Classification and Job Recommender App

This is B21-CAP0110 Team's Final Project

Our team:
Abraham Raja Swara Darwanto - M0101064
Fathia Amira Nuramalia - M0101067
I Made Adi Susilayasa - C0141368
Karlina Surya Witanto - C0141346
Luthfi Daffa Prabowo - A1901915
Villa Mukti Indriyanto - A1901910

This application connects job seekers and job providers, by simply entering a resume,
the job vacancies that match the resume will be displayed, and applicants can easily apply.
We hope that this application can help job seekers to find the job they want.

We use CNN-LSTM algorithm with 100d GloVe pretrained words embedding for the machine
learning model.

Project Documentation

  • Download the dataset, pre-process the data in colab or in your local notebook.
  • Shuffle and split the dataset to training and validation data.
  • Process the data (tokenizing, padding).
  • Train the model.
  • Evaluate the model.
  • Save the model to HDF5 format.
  • Deploy saved model on GCP by using by using Cloud Run
  • Build REST-API to integrate between ML model and android application.
  • Create the Android App


App Preview

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Website Preview

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