Simple 3D Protein Visualization Streamlit App This repository contains a Streamlit app designed for simple and interactive 3D visualization of protein structures. The app provides an intuitive interface for users to input amino acid sequences and view the predicted 3D structures.

Features Easy-to-use interface for entering amino acid sequences. Interactive 3D visualization of protein structures. Streamlit framework for a seamless experience. How to Run the App To run this app locally, follow these steps:

Ensure you have Python installed on your system. Clone this repository to your local machine. Navigate to the directory containing the app files. Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt Start the Streamlit app by running: streamlit run The app should now be running in your default web browser. Requirements This app requires the following Python libraries:

streamlit py3Dmol pandas biotite You can install all the required libraries using the requirements.txt file included in this repository.

Contributing Feel free to fork this repository, make improvements, or customize the app for your needs. Contributions are welcome!

Remember to include a requirements.txt file in your repository with all the necessary dependencies listed. This README provides a concise guide for users to get started with the app, focusing on its simplicity and ease of use.