
Building Stack Overflow with AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Here at Stamplay we really love AngularJS so, after using it to create a food ordering app like JustEat, we decided to use it again for our next tutorial. When it comes to solve any kind of unexpected problems while coding there is only one place that makes everyone confident about finding the right answer, and its name is Stackoverflow. So this time, as a tribute to this outstanding community, we dedicate this tutorial to it.

Here is what you will get: https://bb76d7.stamplay.com

We love javascript and front end framework and this time we show you how you can create this app using AngularJS to implement the client side logic. Here are the user stories for this example:

  • as a guest user I can read and search every question and its answer available on the website
  • as a guest user I can list all tags, users, filter and sort the questions on the website
  • as a guest user I can signup using my GitHub account to be able to interact with the content of the website.
  • as a logged user I can ask a new question to the community
  • as a logged user I can upvote/downvote a question
  • as a logged user I can upvote/downvote an answer
  • as a logged user and author of a question I can mark as “correct” one of the answer received

You get your own right now simply creating a new project on Stamplay, following this guide to understand how to configure it and then use the code on the Github repository.

Feel free to implement more cool features, contribute to this repo or clone it to use it by your own scopes. For any question drop an email to giuliano.iacobelli@stamplay.com


This Stackoverflow clone is built around the following building blocks


Go to your account and create a new app.

Configuring the components

After creating a new app on Stamplay let's start by picking the component we need in our app. Lets see one-by-one how they are configured:


Since this is something for developers we decided to make our users signup with our last OAuth integration, Github. To get your own credentials go to https://github.com/settings/applications and click on "Register a new app". Fill the "Authorized Redirect URIs" with the URL: https://[appId].stamplay.com/auth/v0/github/callback and you'll have your ClientId and Secret to fill the fields as you can see from the image below.

Github OAuth

Github login

Custom Object

Let's define the entities for this app, we will define Question, Answer and Tag that are defined as follows:

  • Name: title, Type: string, required, the question’s title
  • Name: text, Type: string, required, the question’s body
  • Name: author, Type: user_relation, required, the author of the question (it will contain one user’s _id)
  • Name: views, Type: number, optional, the number of times a question has been viewed by a logged user
  • Name: answers, Type: collection of answers, answers posted for the current question listed as an array of answer's _id s
  • Name: tags, Type: collection of tags, tags related to the current question listed as an array of tag's _id s

the answers posted in relation to a question. It has a simpler structure than the questions that is

  • Name: author, Type: user_relation, required, the author of the question (it will contain one user’s _id)
  • Name: text, Type: string, required, the answer’s body
  • Name: checked, Type: boolean, optional, set to “true” if this answer has been flagged as the good one

the tags that can be associated to a question. These can be created only by the admin:

  • Name: name, Type: string, unique, required, tag's name
  • Name: count, Type: number, optional, how many questions have been tagged with the tag
  • Name: excerpt, Type: string, optional, tag’s short description

After setting up this Stamplay will instantly expose Restful APIs for our newly resources the following URIs:

  • https://APPID.stamplay.com/api/cobject/v0/question
  • https://APPID.stamplay.com/api/cobject/v0/answer
  • https://APPID.stamplay.com/api/cobject/v0/tag


User activity on Stackoverflow is rewarded with reputation points, this component empower you to add gamification mechanics by defining challenges and achievements in your app. In this way we will be able to give points to users who receive upvotes on their answers and their questions without having to write a single server side line of code. Let's pick Gamification component and name our challenge stack-challenge, we don 't care about badges and level but feel free to add yours

Gamification settings


This component doesn't need any setup, couldn't be easier than that ;)

Mailchimp (optional)

Being able to talk to our users is always an important thing to care about. To do this we will rely on Mailchimp to send them periodic newsletters and rely on Stamplay's engine to subscribe to a list every user who signs up to our service. To push email addresses of app's users to a Mailchimp list you only need to connect your account. Just click the "Connect" button and authorize Stamplay in interacting with your Mailchimp data.

Creating the server side logic with Tasks

Now let's add the tasks that will define the server side of our app. For our app we want that:

When a user signs up, join the stack-challenge to be able to earn points

Trigger : User - Signup

Action: Gamification - Join Challenge

User signup configuration


Gamification Join Challenge configuration

challenge: stack-challenge

When a user signs up, add him to my Mailchimp list

Trigger : User - Signup

Action: Mailchimp - Subscribe to a List

User signup configuration


Mailchimp Subscribe to a List configuration

list: Your-mailchimp-list
email: {{user.email}}
update existing: Yes
send welcome message: No
first name: {{user.name.givenName}}
last name: {{user.name.familyName}}

When a question is up voted, its author get 5 points

Trigger : Custom Object - Upvote

Action: Gamification - Add Points

Question Upvote configuration

Custom Object: Question

Gamification Add Points configuration

challenge: stack-challenge
numpoints: 5
user: {{coinstance.author}}

When a question is down voted, its author loose 2 points (get -2)

Trigger : Custom Object - Downvote

Action: Gamification - Add Points

Question Upvote configuration

Custom Object: Question

Gamification Add Points configuration

challenge: stack-challenge
numpoints: -2
user: {{coinstance.author}}

When an answer is up voted, its author get 10 points

Trigger : Custom Object - Upvote

Action: Gamification - Add Points

Question Upvote configuration

Custom Object: Answer

Gamification Add Points configuration

challenge: stack-challenge
numpoints: 10
user: {{coinstance.author}}

When an answer is down voted, its author loose 2 points (get -2)

Trigger : Custom Object - Downvote

Action: Gamification - Add Points

Question Upvote configuration

Custom Object: Answer

Gamification Add Points configuration

challenge: stack-challenge
numpoints: -2
user: {{coinstance.author}}

After finishing all those configurations your task view will look like this one:

Tasks Stackoverflow

The frontend and AngularJS

The Angular app is organized with a router, a service and some controllers to handle the front end logic. Let's analyze more in depth how they're defined.

Router (router.js)

The router is responsible for markup interpolation (the tag that makes AngularJS react while parsing the DOM). Since Stamplay leverages the double curly bracket signature {{}} cause it leverages Handlebars for server-side page rendering we will tell Angular to look for the double square brackets signature [[]]. Anyway the main scope of the router is to list the urls that our AngularJS app need to resolve. The routes are:

  • /auth/v0/github/connect
  • /auth/v0/logout
  • /answer[?id=question_id] - to show answers for a given question
  • /index - to show the home pages
  • /questions - to show questions
  • /tags - to show tags
  • /users - to show users

When routes are initialized, AngularJS start the app injecting in the rootScope the user that will be retrieved from the server if the user is logged in.


Login controller (loginCtrl.js):

Handles user login redirecting the browser to the auth start flow URL acting on the window.location.href property.

Logout controller (logoutCtrl.js):

Handles user logout redirecting the browser to the logout URL acting on the window.location.href property.

Home controller (homeCtrl.js)

$scope stores the sort criteria currently used to list the questions. (I.E: sort: {newest: true, votes: false, active:false}. When the controller starts loadQuestion is triggered and it loads questions, their authors and also checks if a "checked" (correct) answer already exists. updateSortingOptions is called when we need to change the sort criteria.

Points controller (pointsCtrl.js)

If the user is logged this controller fetches the user's points.

Answer controller (answerCtrl.js)

This controller is responsible to enable/disable UI controls in the view that show the details and the answers of a question. It checks if the user looking at it is the author (so that he can eventually check answers as correct) or if the user previously voted for it. The main functions defined here are: setChecked, comment, voteUp and voteDown

Create Question controller (createQuestionCtrl.js)

When this controller starts it initializes two variables in the $scope: cobj and questionSubmitted. The former represent the new instance for the question while the latter is a boolean value to check that the question has been submitted succesfully. It also implement the function getTags for autocompleting the tag that users can bind to the question.

Tags controller (tagsCtrl.js)

All tags are loaded through the service exposed when the controller starts. AngularJS takes care of sorting it. In case of search it will perform new requests to the server to fetch tags accordingly with the desired search.

Users controller (usersCtrl.js)

All users are loaded through the service exposed when the controller starts. In case of search it will perform new requests to the server to fetch users accordingly with the desired search.


To complete the project we used the following great libs that you'll find in the assets folder of this tutorial:

  • Bootstrap 3.2.0
  • Font awesome 4.1.0
  • jQuery 1.11.1
  • Angular 1.2.21
  • Angular route 1.2.21
  • Angular ui-boostrap 0.11.0
  • Textangular 1.2.2
  • Async 0.9.0

Managing the app

In the Admin section you can edit and manage data saved by your app. Here you can add content and we will now use it to create the tags that we want to make available. Click on "Admin" and then "Custom-Object" to access to the data admin section, then select tag from the dropdown a start creating your own.

Manage Stackoverflow

Building the frontend

To build the app you need to have NPM installed and then run those two commands:

npm install
grunt build

You will find the applications' controllers minified in assets/app.min.js and the application's css file in assets/stamplay-stackoverflow.min.css.


First, clone this repository :

git clone git@github.com:Stamplay/stamplay-stackoverflow

Or download it as a zip file


Then you need to upload the frontend files in your app and you can do it in two ways:

  • Copy/Upload them via the Layout section of your app on Stamplay editor
  • Get Stamplay sync and run Stamplay Sync, make it download the frontend assets of your app and then replace them with the ones you got from this repo. Stamplay Sync will upload everything for you on your app.

Next steps

Here are a few ideas for further improvement :

  • Add a search bar to quickly navigate thourgh all the questions as Stackoverflow does
  • Your idea here… ?

Again, for any questions drop an email to giuliano.iacobelli@stamplay.com :)
