
Personal .Dot Files

Primary LanguageShell

My dotfiles

.vimrc in vimiTerm in MacOS

Template Repository

This repo is meant to be used as a template, so don't fork it, just use the "Use this template" button.

  1. Clone your own repo:
$ git clone git@github.com:{your_username}/dotfiles.git
  1. Create a symlink for the files where you need them:
ln -s {absolute_path_to_repo}/dotfiles/vim/.vimrc {absolute_path_to_home}/.vimrc
$ ln -s {absolute_path_to_repo}/dotfiles/.agignore {absolute_path_to_home}/.agignore
$ ln -s {absolute_path_to_repo}/dotfiles/.zshrc {absolute_path_to_home}/.zshrc
$ ln -s {absolute_path_to_repo}/dotfiles/.p10k.zsh {absolute_path_to_home}/.p10k.zsh