This website is build using Hugo, a static site generator built with Go.
Hugo is available on most modern operating systems. If you're using a GNU/Linux distribution that uses the apt
package manager (Debian, Ubuntu or any of their derivatives) you can install it with the following command:
sudo apt install hugo
If you're using a GNU/Linux distribution that uses the pacman
package manager (Archlinux or any of it's derivatives) you can use the following command:
sudo pacman -S hugo
If you're using a Distro that uses the dnf package manger (Fedora) you can use the following command:
sudo dnf install hugo
To run a development server run the following command:
hugo server -D
If you want your server to show your draft posts to run:
hugo server -D --buildDrafts
To generate static websites, just run the command hugo
from the command line from the project's root folder where the config.toml file is present.
This will generate the files in a directory called public
. These files can now be deployed using a web server of your choice.
- Run the hugo commands to generate the static site in the public folder.
- Commit the contents of the public folder to the
branch. - The production branch can then be pushed to the server.