Abraão Pessoa de Barros

Systems Analyst and Engineer


Technical skills

  1. PHP / Laravel
  2. React Native / NativeScript (Android/iOS)
  3. HTML5 / CSS / Bootstrap
  4. Javascript / Vue.js
  5. MySQL/Oracle/MsSql
  6. Unity / C# (Game development)
  7. Unix / Linux System Administration
  8. Project Management
  9. Delphi / Pascal
  10. Clipper / Dbase / Paradox


MPF - Federal Prosecution Service (Ministério Público Federal) System Analist 2015 to present
Developed MPF Conecta, a modern social network solution based
Designed and developed a complete interactive museum with games and user friendly applications
Collaborated and trained team members in the implementation of a paperless digital system Technical Environment Laravel, PHP, Oracle Database, Bootstrap, Vue.Js.

CNMP - Superior Council of the Brazilian Prosecution Service (Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público System Analist 2015
Designed and implemented features and improvements for a enterprise health plan application (Planassiste).
Implemented features for legacy protocol system
Technical Environment Oracle Database, PHP, Delphi.

SERPRO - Federal Data Processing Service (Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados) System Analist 2014 to 2015
Managed a team of developers of several systems, including the Sinesp Cidadão app, a highly successful mobile application of Serpro.
Technical Environment Project management, Scrum.

Ekysoft CEO 2008 to 2013
Architected and developed a complete CRM, point of sale and inventory system for small business
Technical Environment Delphi, Mysql, Interbase.


Postgraduate Degree in Systems Engineering 2019
ESAB - Open Superior School in Brazil, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo

Postgraduate Degree in Administration, Corporate Finance and Business 2017
ESAB - Open Superior School in Brazil, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo

Graduate in Analysis and Systems Development 2013
Estácio de Sá University (Universidade Estácio de Sá), Recife, Pernambuco