Multi-threaded logrotate written in Golang.
"Fear the Gopher!"
Logflip is a logrotate replacement. If you have used logrotate in the past, then you know how effective it can be. However, logrotate starts to break down once you need to run it more than daily. This is because logrotate is old. The original creators didn't take into account that logs could grow at a rate of hundreds of megabytes per second. Or maybe the designer just didn't have a need to rotate any faster. With the advent of Cloud, Engineers and Operations teams have a critical need to rotate logs as quickly as possible under specific conditions.
Logflip is easy. It installs itself. - Just run 'sudo ./logflip' - After that, you can 'service logflip start|stop|status' it. - Creates (if none exists) /var/logflip/logflip.conf - Automagically scans your OS for .log files and adds to logflip.conf - Constantly monitors .log files and "flips" them when they reach 100MB in size. file.log -> file.log.1 - When .log reaches 100MB in size & .log.1 reaches 100MB in size, logflip deletes .log.1. Nov 6th, 2015 - Initial Commit.