
Flogo Dot IO - cli to create the showcase

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

fdio - Flogo Dot IO

A command-line interface for the Flogo Dot IO website. This tool is designed to help create the items.toml from which the showcase and the flogo cli can get their search results.


There are a few ways to install this project

Get the sources

You can get the sources for this project by simply running

$ go get -u github.com/retgits/fdio/...

You can create a binary using the install command

$ go install ./...

Build from source

To build the fdio command-line interface simply run go build. This does require your system to have gcc installed. To build for Windows, you'll need to have CGO enabled

$ GOOS=windows CGO_ENABLED=1 CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" go build

You might need additional packages if you're running this command on a Linux system (like apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 mingw-w64-x86-64-dev)


A command-line interface for the Flogo Dot IO website

  fdio [command]

Available Commands:
  backup      Performs a backup (upload) or restore (download) of a database file from Amazon S3
  crawl       Crawls GitHub to find new activities and triggers
  export      Export the database to a toml file
  help        Help about any command
  import      Import a toml file into the database
  init        Initialize the database in a new location
  query       Run a query against the database
  stats       Get statistics from the database

      --db string   The path to the database (required)
  -h, --help        help for fdio
      --version     version for fdio

Use "fdio [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Performs a backup (upload) or restore (download) of a database file from Amazon S3

  fdio backup [flags]

      --bucket string     The name of the S3 bucket (required)
  -h, --help              help for backup
      --overwrite         When restoring a file, should any existing file be overwritten (defaults to false)
      --region string     The region of the S3 bucket (defaults to us-west-2) (default "us-west-2")
      --restore           Restore (download) the file from Amazon S3

Global Flags:
      --db string   The path to the database (required)


Crawls GitHub to find new activities and triggers

  fdio crawl [flags]

  -h, --help            help for crawl
      --timeout float   The number of hours between now and the last repo update
      --type string     The type to look for, either trigger or activity (required)

Global Flags:
      --db string   The path to the database (required)

The crawl command will create a .crawl file which lists the last date/time this command started


Export the database to a toml file

  fdio export [flags]

  -h, --help          help for export
      --overwrite     Overwrite file if it exists
      --toml string   The path to the TOML file (required)

Global Flags:
      --db string   The path to the database (required)


Import a toml file into the database

  fdio import [flags]

  -h, --help          help for import
      --toml string   The path to the TOML file (required)

Global Flags:
      --db string   The path to the database (required)


Initialize the database in a new location

  fdio init [flags]

      --create   Create a new database if file doesn't exist
  -h, --help     help for init

Global Flags:
      --db string   The path to the database (required)


Run a query against the database

  fdio query [flags]

  -h, --help           help for query
  -q, --query string   The database query you want to run

Global Flags:
      --db string   The path to the database (required)

With this command you can run any arbitrary query against the database, so do this at your own risk


Get statistics from the database

  fdio stats [flags]

  -h, --help   help for stats

Global Flags:
      --db string   The path to the database (required)