Pinned Repositories
Hand written gesture recognition of devnagri hindi characters (video of the model is attached in this repository)
Sentiment Analysis of tweets which are extracted using twitter API and applying various filters according to the use . The sentiment analysis is done using the Afinn dictionary which is a dictionary consisting of words with their corresponding rating. A rating between +5 and -5 . A positive rating is indicated a positive statement and a negative rating indicated a negative one and a rating of 0 indicates a neutral statement.
Competitive programming questions.
Hand Emoji classifier using Open CV (Video of the model is included in this repository)
An Image Recognition model with very less data, in which case FaceNet Keras is preferred as a model for transfer learning.
Performed Image compression using K-means clustering for different values of K (2, 5, 10, 15, 20).
Detection of cells that potentially can be infected by malaria
learned the structure and parameters of the model using the EM-algorithm (in the M-step each mixture component is learned using the Chow-Liu algorithm). EM algorithm was run until convergence or until 50 iterations whichever is earlier. Also performed the following- Learned the structure and parameters of the model using the Random-Forests style approach.
Developed a User based recommendation system for suggesting movies (Netflix Data) from scratch using Pearson coefficient and achieved RMSE of 0.917 and MAE of 0.72
abrarrmohd's Repositories
Basic Tutoring website for students to schedule tutors and have favorite tutors too.
learned the structure and parameters of the model using the EM-algorithm (in the M-step each mixture component is learned using the Chow-Liu algorithm). EM algorithm was run until convergence or until 50 iterations whichever is earlier. Also performed the following- Learned the structure and parameters of the model using the Random-Forests style approach.
Performed Image compression using K-means clustering for different values of K (2, 5, 10, 15, 20).
Developed a User based recommendation system for suggesting movies (Netflix Data) from scratch using Pearson coefficient and achieved RMSE of 0.917 and MAE of 0.72
Performed Classification of emails into Ham/Spam on four different datasets using Logistic Regression (MCAP regularization), Discrete and Multinomial Naïve Bayes from scratch. Logistic Regression yielded the best result with 0.95 accuracy with 𝜆 = 0.45 and learning rate =0.05
Performed Classification of emails into Ham/Spam on four different datasets using Discrete and Multinomial Naïve Bayes from scratch.
Competitive programming questions.
This Game has been developed using the MiniMax and Alpha Beta Pruning Algorithms. The game works in two phases- opening phase and Mid-Endgame phase. Separate programs have been implemented for paying as a Black position.
An Image Recognition model with very less data, in which case FaceNet Keras is preferred as a model for transfer learning.
Text generation based on few lines of a story or verses. The accuracy has been deliberately kept low ( though it can be increased with more number of Epochs and other tweaks in the code), But we don't want the machine to learn and remember the whole story but instead to get a sense of it and predict the texts.
Hand written gesture recognition of devnagri hindi characters (video of the model is attached in this repository)
Hand Emoji classifier using Open CV (Video of the model is included in this repository)
Detection of cells that potentially can be infected by malaria
Sentiment Analysis of tweets which are extracted using twitter API and applying various filters according to the use . The sentiment analysis is done using the Afinn dictionary which is a dictionary consisting of words with their corresponding rating. A rating between +5 and -5 . A positive rating is indicated a positive statement and a negative rating indicated a negative one and a rating of 0 indicates a neutral statement.
Analyzes how Airline travelers expressed their experiences on Twitter. Based on it, it predicts the feelings on three parameters (Negative,Neutral,positive).