
Experiment to test the usage of the `package_data` option in setuptools.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository corresponds to the code used in an experiment to verify the behaviour of the configuration of setuptools, specifically the package_data and include_package_data fields.

The folder base contains a dummy Python package structure based on the packaging tutorial, with some "data files"1 added:

├── README.md
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
└── src
    └── example_package
        ├── __init__.py
        ├── data
        ├── data.txt
        ├── example.py
        └── sub-dir
            └── other.txt

The test.py script will create different versions of this base structure. Then it will try different combinations of configurations for include_package_data (True/not present), exclude_package_data (present/not present), package_data (present/not present) and MANIFEST.in (present/not present).

When present package_data and exclude_package_data will correspond to a setup.cfg section:

[options.<<package_data OR exclude_package_data>>]
* = *.txt, sub-dir/*.txt

When present, MANIFEST.in file will have the following contents:

global-include *.py *.txt
global-exclude *.py[cod]

To run the test file, you will need to make sure your system has the tar and unzip commands available, and that a virtualenv was created with Python 3.8:

$ which unzip
$ which tar
$ virtualenv -p py38 .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -U pip -r requirements.txt
$ rm results.txt
$ python test.py | tee results.txt

Results for setuptools==60.6.0

Also tested for setuptools==59.2.0

After the fix implemented in pypa/setuptools#2844, include_package_data is supposed to work in the same way for both sdist and wheel

The following table summarises the results (empty cells mean that the configuration is not present):

+------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+----------------------+ | | | | | Are *.txt files | | | | | | in the distribution? | | | | | +------------+---------+ | include_package_data | exclude_package_data | package_data | MANIFEST.in | wheel | sdist | +========================+========================+================+===============+============+=========+ | | | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | | | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | | Yes | | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | Yes | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | | Yes | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | Yes | | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | Yes | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+

The complete experiment log can be found in the results.txt file, and the data corresponding to the table above in the results.json data.

We can derive a logic expression for this table using Karnaugh maps or the Quine-McCluskey algorithm for each one of the types of distributions.

According to the notation:


setup.cfg contains include_package_data=True


setup.cfg contains exclude_package_data and it is set to remove *.txt files


setup.cfg contains package_data and it is set to include *.txt files


MANIFEST.in exists and includes the *.txt files


*.txt included in the wheel distribution


*.txt included in the sdist distribution


the negated form of x - x' = not(x)


logical and between x and y


logical or between x and y


  • In sdists, "data files" will be included in the distribution if:
    • MANIFEST.in includes them OR
    • package_data lists them AND exclude_package_data does not list them
  • In wheels:
    • exclude_package_data will ALWAYS prevent "data files" from being included in the distribution;
    • after considering that, "data files" will be included in the distribution if:
      • package_data lists them OR
      • include_package_data=True AND the sdist includes them

Please notice this considers the extreme case, when the data files are placed inside directories that are not valid Python packages (e.g. missing __init__.py files or whose names are not valid python identifiers)2. Also have in mind that "data files" outside the package directory are no longer allowed3.

Results for previous versions of setuptools can be found in the corresponding git tag.

Previous results (setuptools==58.3.0)

+------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+----------------------+ | | | | | Are *.txt files | | | | | | in the distribution? | | | | | +------------+---------+ | include_package_data | exclude_package_data | package_data | MANIFEST.in | wheel | sdist | +========================+========================+================+===============+============+=========+ | | | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | | | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | | Yes | | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | Yes | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | | Yes | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | Yes | | Yes | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | Yes | | No | No | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+ | True | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | +------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+---------+

The complete experiment log can be found in the [setuptools-58.3.0 tag](https://github.com/abravalheri/experiment-setuptools-package-data/tree/setuptools-58.3.0) in the repository.

We can derive a logic expression for this table using Karnaugh maps or the Quine-McCluskey algorithm for each one of the types of distributions.

According to the notation:


setup.cfg contains include_package_data=True


setup.cfg contains exclude_package_data and it is set to remove *.txt files


setup.cfg contains package_data and it is set to include *.txt files


MANIFEST.in exists and includes the *.txt files


*.txt included in the wheel distribution


*.txt included in the sdist distribution


the negated form of x - x' = not(x)


logical and between x and y


logical or between x and y

Previous conclusion

  • In wheels:
    • exclude_package_data will ALWAYS prevent "data files" from being included in the distribution;
    • after considering that, "data files" will be included in the distribution if:
      • package_data lists them OR
      • include_package_data=True AND MANIFEST.in includes them.
  • In sdists, "data files" will be included in the distribution if:
    • MANIFEST.in includes them OR
    • include_package_data=False (or not present) AND package_data lists them AND exclude_package_data does not list them

See pypa/setuptools#2835 for more information.


For maximum reproducibility the versions of the build requirements are pinned in the pyproject.toml file. You can edit that file to try the test with different versions.

The experiment was created and executed on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS with Python 3.8.0.

Final Notes

Please notice that, as any work, the experiment presented here is subject to errors. If you notice anything wrong, please go ahead open an issue or pull request. Any review is appreciated.

  1. The expression "data files" is used in a loose sense, meaning everything that is not a Python file. In the experiment they correspond to .txt files.

  2. https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/datafiles.html

  3. https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/datafiles.html#non-package-data-files