
ElasticSearch SSDeep Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ElasticSearch SSDeep Script Plugin

The following plugin allows the usage of native scripts which compare ssdeep hashes between documents generating a score between 0 and 100 allowing identification of similar documents according to the SSDeep algorithm.



mvn clean package

This will build the project and put the distributable package in the target/releases/elasticsearch-ssdeep-plugin-${version}.zip file. This can then be installed in Elasticsearch to become available.

bin/plugin install file:///<path_to_.zip>

This will install the plugin into ElasticSearch, it will become available for use the next time ElasticSearch is restarted.

You can remove the plugin with the following command.

bin/plugin remove elasticsearch-ssdeep-plugin


In the directory examples there are two examples which show using the script as part of a function query to find documents with a similarity between a known SSDeep hash. The file ssdeep_search.json shows the simplest use case finding all documents which have a non-zero matching value to a known hash. The document optimized_ssdeep_search.json shows some optimization techniques which can filter out documents before running them through the SSDeep script which may be expensive on large data sets. Experimentation with your data set may be necessary to determine whether the optimizations outlined in that sample query will improve performance for your use case. Eliminating matches based on block size alone may be faster than eliminating matches based on block size and chunk matches.


  • Java 1.8
  • ElasticSearch 2.3.4
  • phishme/jssdeep Java SSDeep library.