
Download and prepare evaluation data

ONT data: http://lab.loman.net/2015/09/24/first-sqk-map-006-experiment/

wget https://nanopore.s3.climb.ac.uk/MAP006-1_2D_pass.fasta
wget https://nanopore.s3.climb.ac.uk/MAP006-2_2D_pass.fasta
cat MAP006*.fasta | awk '/^>/{print ">" ++i; next}{print}' > ont.fasta

PB data: https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/DevNet/wiki/E.-coli-Bacterial-Assembly

wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.pacb.com/datasets/secondary-analysis/e-coli-k12-P6C4/p6c4_ecoli_RSII_DDR2_with_15kb_cut_E01_1.tar.gz
tar xfv p6c4_ecoli_RSII_DDR2_with_15kb_cut_E01_1.tar.gz
for f in E01_1/Analysis_Results/m141013*bax.h5; do pls2fasta -trimByRegion -minSubreadLength 1000 $f > $f.fasta; done
cat E01_1/Analysis_Results/m141013*.fasta | awk '/^>/{print ">" ++i; next}{print}' > pacbio.fasta

Generate reference-based ground truth

Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_000913.2

bwa index reference.fasta
bwa mem -x ont2d reference.fasta ont.fasta | samtools view -F 2048 -uT reference.fasta - | samtools sort - > ont.fasta.bam
bwa mem -x pacbio reference.fasta pacbio.fasta | samtools view -F 2048  -uT reference.fasta - | samtools sort - > pacbio.fasta.bam
for f in *.bam; do bedtools bamtobed -i $f > $f.bed; done
for f in *.bed; do bedtools intersect -wo -a $f -b $f > $f.self; done
for f in *.self; do cut -f4,10 $f | awk '{if ($1!=$2) print ($1<$2) ? $1"\t"$2 : $2"\t"$1}' | sort | uniq > $f.tsv; done

ont.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv and pacbio.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv are tab-separated files with only 2 fields: ID(R1) and ID(R2); R1 and R2 are two reads that overlap, ID(R1) < ID(R2).

Generate (and parse) read overlaps

Install kd: https://github.com/dzif/kd-tree-overlapper

kd -o ont.kd.out -i ont.fasta
kd -o pacbio.kd.out -i pacbio.fasta
for f in *.kd.out; do awk '{if ($1!=$2) print ($1<$2) ? $1"\t"$2 : $2"\t"$1}' < $f | sort | uniq > $f.tsv; done

Again, ont.kd.out.tsv and pacbio.kd.out.tsv are tab-separated files with only 2 fields: ID(R1) and ID(R2); R1 and R2 are two reads that overlap, ID(R1) < ID(R2).

Install MHAP (only included to compare against): http://mhap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html

java -Xmx32g -server -jar mhap-2.1.1.jar -s ont.fasta > ont.mhap.out
java -Xmx32g -server -jar mhap-2.1.1.jar -s pacbio.fasta > pacbio.mhap.out
for f in *.mhap.out; do awk '{if ($1!=$2) print ($1<$2) ? $1"\t"$2 : $2"\t"$1}' < $f | sort | uniq > $f.tsv; done

We now have the read overlaps generated by kd and MHAP to further evaluate...

Compute sensitivity, precision, and F1 score

This could – and probably should – be scripted, but we'll do it manually (default MHAP values in parentheses):


P = wc -l < ont.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv = 3117258
TP = comm -12 ont.kd.out.tsv ont.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv | wc -l = 1360726 (2615327)
FP = comm -23 ont.kd.out.tsv ont.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv | wc -l = 204942 (749711)
FN = comm -13 ont.kd.out.tsv ont.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv | wc -l = 1756532 (501931)
Sensitivity: TP/P = TP/(TP+FN) = 43.7% (83.9%)
Precision: TP/(TP+FP) = 86.9% (77.7%)
F1 score: 2TP/(2TP+FP+FN) = 58.1% (80.7%)


P = wc -l < pacbio.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv = 11085073
TP = comm -12 pacbio.kd.out.tsv pacbio.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv | wc -l = 2179694 (5122592)
FP = comm -23 pacbio.kd.out.tsv pacbio.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv | wc -l = 540605 (788333)
FN = comm -13 pacbio.kd.out.tsv pacbio.fasta.bam.bed.self.tsv | wc -l = 8905379 (5962481)
Sensitivity: TP/P = TP/(TP+FN) = 19.7% (46.2%)
Precision: TP/(TP+FP) = 80.1% (86.7%)
F1 score: 2TP/(2TP+FP+FN) = 31.6% (60.3%)

Summary table

Expanded Table 2 of Chu et al., Bioinformatics 2017 (https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw811), rows MHAP (default) and kd added. Summary: kd is less sensitive – by design – but as precise. Apparently, an exhaustive overlap search is no requirement for successful (a.k.a. single-contig) genome assembly!

Sens. (%) Prec. (%) F1 (%) Sens. (%) Prec. (%) F1 (%)
BLASR 66.0 96.5 78.3 89.9 73.0 80.6
DALIGNER 83.8 85.8 84.8 92.9 91.0 91.9
MHAP 79.8 79.8 79.8 91.2 82.0 86.3
MHAP (default) 46.2 86.7 60.3 83.9 77.7 80.7
GraphMap 71.7 94.0 81.4 90.6 93.4 92.0
Minimap 59.6 83.8 69.7 91.2 95.4 93.2
kd 19.7 80.1 31.6 43.7 86.9 58.1