
Example plugin for Rivet, showing how to execute a python script in a node

Primary LanguageTypeScript

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Rivet Example Plugin - Python Execution

This project is an example of a Rivet plugin that allows you to execute Python code in a Rivet node.

Using the plugin

In Rivet

To use this plugin in Rivet:

  1. Navigate to the Project tab in the left sidebar. You will see a + button next to Plugins, click it to open the Add Plugin modal.
  2. In Add NPM Plugin, enter rivet-plugin-example-python-exec and click Add NPM Plugin.
  3. The example plugin is now installed in your project. You can add the Run Python Script using the Add Node menu, in the "Example" group..

In Code

Load your plugin and Rivet into your application:

import * as Rivet from "@ironclad/rivet-core";
import examplePlugin from "rivet-plugin-example-python-exec";

Register your plugin with Rivet be using the globalRivetNodeRegistry or creating a new NodeRegistration and registering with that:


Making your own plugin

⚠️ Important Notes ⚠️

  • You must bundle your plugins, or include all code for your plugin in the ESM files. Plugins are loaded using import(pluginUrl) so must follow all rules for ESM modules. This means that you cannot use require or module.exports in your plugin code. If you need to use external libraries, you must bundle them.

  • You also cannot import nor bundle @ironclad/rivet-core in your plugin. The rivet core library is passed into your default export function as an argument. Be careful to only use import type statements for the core library, otherwise your plugin will not bundle successfully.

  • This repo is also an example of a Node.js-only plugin. It is important that Node-only plugins are separated into two separate bundles - an isomorphic bundle that defines the plugin and all of the nodes, and a Node-only bundle that contains the node-only implementations. The isomorphic bundle is allowed to dynamically import the node bundle, but cannot statically import it (except for types, of course).

  • Currently, all node.js dependencies must be bundled into the node entry point, as node_modules is not installed for Rivet.

This repository has examples for both dual-bundling with ESBuild, only importing types from @ironclad/rivet-core, and using import() to dynamically import the node bundle from the isomorphic bundle.

1. Plugin Definition

Follow the example in src/index.ts to define your plugin. Your plugin must default-export a function that takes in the Rivet Core library as its only argument, and returns a valid RivetPlugin object.

2. Node Definitions

Follow the example in src/nodes/ExamplePluginNode.ts to define your plugin's nodes. You should follow a simlar syntax of exporting functions that take in the Rivet Core library.

  • Nodes must implement PluginNodeDefinition<T> by calling pluginNodeDefinition(yourPluginImpl, "Node Name").
  • Node implementations must implement PluginNodeImpl<T>.
  • T should be your plugin's type definition.

3. Bundling

See bundle.ts for an example of how to bundle your plugin. You can use any bundler you like, but you must bundle into two final files - an isomorphic bundle, and a node.js only bundle. You can use the ESBuild bundler to bundle your plugin into a single file.

It is important that all external libraries are bundled in the isomorphic bundle, because browsers cannot load bare imports. However, you are allowed to import any external libraries in the node bundle. Note that as of now, dependencies of a bundle are not loaded. This means that node_modules dependencies must be bundled into the final bundle.

5. Serving your plugin

You should then publish your plugin to NPM. The bundled files should be included, and the "main" field in your package.json should point to the isomorphic bundle.

Local Development

  1. Run yarn dev to start the compiler and bundler in watch mode. This will automatically recombine and rebundle your changes into the dist folder. This will also copy the bundled files into the plugin install directory.
  2. After each change, you must restart Rivet to see the changes.