Foundations I Build #1

You have an hour to complete this challenge. You may not get help from your peers or your TAs on the code but we can help if you're having trouble with npm install or getting cypress tests to run.

Steps to Submit

  • Use this repo as a template to create your own copy of this repo DO NOT CLONE THIS REPOSITORY
  • Add code to make the cypress build pass
  • Submit a link to your repository in Canvas -- your github build should be green

Goal: Build a Random Number Generator

UX Requirements

  • A button element with an ID of generate
  • A paragraph element with an ID of random-num


  • When the button is clicked, generate a random number, and insert it into the random-num paragraph

To Run Tests

  • Open your app with Live Server -- make sure your server is running on port 5500
  • npm install
  • npm test
  • Cypress will open -- you should then click "run 1 integration spec"
  • Make sure all tests pass