Pokemon Catcher

  • root directory
    • index.html (home page HTML)
    • app.js (home page javascript -- linked in above)
  • results page (/results directory)
    • index.html (results page HTML)
    • results.js (results page javascript)
  • storage-utils.js -- holds localStorage functions
  • pokemon.js -- holds data

Making a Plan

HTML Elements

  • make a home page & include:
    • three images as radio buttons
    • button with an id of capture-button
  • make an empty results page

Local Storage Functions

  • getResults -- return the results array from LS or empty array
  • encounterPokemon -- increment the encounter key by 1
  • capturePokemon -- increment the capture key by 1

app.js logic

  • make function called generatePokemon();
    • generate 3 random pokemon
    • call encounterPokemon for each
    • render the pokemon on the page


  • set totalPlays to 0
  • call generatePokemon


  • increment totalPlays
  • call capturePokemon with chosen pokemon
  • if totalPlays >= 10
    • redirect to results
  • else
    • call generatePokemon

Results Page

HTML Elements

for each item in results

  • Image
  • header with the name of the pokemon
  • show how many times shown, how many times picked


  • get the data from local storage
  • loop through each item in results
  • get its data from ./data/pokemon.js (using findById)
  • render the results (img, header, data)


To Run Cypress Tests

  • npm install
  • npm test
  • Cypress will open -- you should then click "run <#> integration spec(s)"
  • Make sure all tests pass