
React Week 2 -- Add Feature #3: Blog Builder

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Making a List of Blogs

Use this repository as a template for this deliverable. Environment variables have been provided for you because we will all be using the same supabase database. Remove the .example from .env.development.local.example and .env.test.local.example

Learning Objectives

  • Use useEffect hook with a dependency array to retrieve data when a component first mounts
  • Use the Supabase Javascript client to retrieve data from a database
  • Use useState to manage component state
  • Use the network tab to examine (and debug) the request being sent to a server and the response received from a server
  • Use the async/await pattern to make our asynchronous code easier to read


For this deliverable, you will be using supabase to retrieve a list of blogs from an existing database. The table has the following schema:

id int - primary key
author_id int - foreign key
created_at date
title varchar
subtitle varchar
text varchar

It will end up looking like this:

Acceptance Criteria

  • A user should see a list of blog posts when they load the page
  • App component should have a state variable called blogs that defaults to an empty array
  • App component should use a useEffect hook to call getBlogs from the services layer asynchronously and then set the returned data in state
  • There should be a function called getBlogs in the services layer which calls Supabase and returns all the columns from the blogs table
  • App component should map through each item in blogs and create a <BlogCard> component for each blog item
  • All existing Snapshot tests should pass without needing to update the snapshot


Task Points
blogs state variable created using useState with the proper default 1
useEffect correctly calls supabase when the component is first mounted 3
getBlogs function in services folder calls Supabase and retrieves the list of blog posts 3
Supabase code is isolated to the services 1
each blog is correctly rendered using the BlogCard component 2

Stretch Goals (worth up to 2 additional points)

  • The blogs table has a foreign key relationship to a table called authors -- what this means is each author_id on the blogs table matches up with the id of an author
  • Read this documentation on querying foreign tables and see if you can include the author's name in your call to supabase
  • Update the BlogCard to include the author's name (you'll need to update the snapshot test when you're done)