Visit the deployed app on Netlify, with link in the About section of the Github repo
required for grading
On the home page ('/'), Login and Signup using the login and signup form. On success, redirect to the /shopping-list page (just like in the inventory app)
Logout by clicking the logout button (just like in the inventory app)
If a non-logged-in user tries to visit the shopping list page, redirect them to the login page (just like in the inventory app)
On the list page load event, fetch the list itemss from supabase and render them to the page.
Add a list item to supabase by using the inputs (name and quantity) and button.
When a list item is added, refetch and re-render the updated list of shopping items.
When a user clicks a list item, it becomes bought. Update this state in supabase, clear out the shopping list, and re-fetch and redisplay the updated items.
When a user clicks delete all shopping list items, delete them. Update this state in supabase and refetch and rerender your todos
App() : contains route for home/auth page and /shopping-list and tracks user state
AuthPage({ setUser }) : tracks user form state and allows users to sign up and sign in, storing the user in App state with callbacks (just like in the inventory app)
ListItem({ listItem, fetchItems }) : renders bought items differently. If it is not bought, on click of the item, 'buy' the item and refetch all items from supabase to be rerendered
ListItemForm({ fetchItems }) : tracks it own form state and allows user to create a new shopping item on submit, refreshing the list from supabase on submit by calling the callback prop state handler.
ListPage() : tracks listItems in state, and fetches them on load by calling a function fetchItems, which fetches the items and injects them into state
ListPage() : handleDeleteClick function is called on delete button click, deleting all todos then refetching and rerendering the now-empty list