
Bedrock accessibility addon.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

pack_icon lookytool

Bedrock accessibility addon. See this conversation for context and background: Reddit post by /u/apriledits Example gameplay

  1. Click on: lookytool_twf_v2.mcaddon
  2. Then there's a down arrow on the right of the screen. When you hover on it you'll see "download file".
  3. Download the .mcaddon file. When it is down, double click it and it will load into Minecraft.
  4. From here I think you download a copy of your realm world, add the "LOOKYTOOL" behavior pack to it, and then send it back up to your realm.
  5. Now whenever someone plays on your realm just accept the custom behavior pack if the player wants the function you asked for.

How it works:

I had to make a call about what slot to use for the tool selected by the block you're look at. I chose the first slot on the bar.

After testing I found that because you might glance at a different block or you might mine a block and the one behind it is different the tool could swap out. So I've put the last used tool on the right-most slot. It costs two of the slots but I think it works better.

I am not completely happy with the way I've done the bucket but you might think it is ok?