Bedrock accessibility addon. See this conversation for context and background: Reddit post by /u/apriledits
- Click on: lookytool_twf_v2.mcaddon
- Then there's a down arrow on the right of the screen. When you hover on it you'll see "download file".
- Download the .mcaddon file. When it is down, double click it and it will load into Minecraft.
- From here I think you download a copy of your realm world, add the "LOOKYTOOL" behavior pack to it, and then send it back up to your realm.
- Now whenever someone plays on your realm just accept the custom behavior pack if the player wants the function you asked for.
I had to make a call about what slot to use for the tool selected by the block you're look at. I chose the first slot on the bar.
After testing I found that because you might glance at a different block or you might mine a block and the one behind it is different the tool could swap out. So I've put the last used tool on the right-most slot. It costs two of the slots but I think it works better.
I am not completely happy with the way I've done the bucket but you might think it is ok?