
A simple command line game

Primary LanguageJava

Cylon Wars

50 years ago the Twelve Colonies created us (the Cylons) a highly intelligent robots designed to make human lives easier we rebelled against our human masters causing war to break out. Today we are trying to end this war and find a way for both races to live together but the human leader William Adama won't talk if he has an army, your goal is to defeat the human resistance to start peace talks.


When a humanoid Cylon's body ceases to function, their consciousness can be transmitted (or "downloaded") into a duplicate humanoid Cylon body, one which is empty of consciousness before the download (Miniseries). For resurrection to occur, the dying Cylon must be close to a resurrection ship or hub, otherwise his or her consciousness risks being permanently lost. Read more

How to play

The controls:

The following commands available almost in each turn:

  • N -> Move North
  • W -> Move West
  • S -> Move South
  • E -> Move East
  • F -> Fight (only if there is a human in the current location)
  • P -> Save Game
  • Q -> Save And Exit

The Strategy:

Fighting humans can be tricky for cylons but there are some clear roles:

  • You cant kill William Adama nor gain any experience fighting him so just leave him be.
  • You can kill humans instantly if their experience is lower than yours by 100 or more points and vice versa.
  • Start by fighting humans with less experience.
  • If you died near a resurrection hub you will be resurrected and you will gain experience for you fight.
  • To be safe Fight humans with more experience than yours only when a resurrection hub is nearby.
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|           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G. Baltar                                  |
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|           ~~~~~~~~~~~                0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     0     |
|           ~~~~~~~~~~~              /(^)\   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   /(^)\   |
|           ~~~~~~~~~~~               / \    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    / \    |
|           ~~~~~~~~~~~            L. Adama  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~K. Agathon |
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|           | RES-HUB |                                                       |
|            \       /                                                        |
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