Tool to manage multiple git repositories
- Proper go installation with GOPATH set
- git >= 1.8.5
go get -u
go install
echo 'alias gmg=$GOPATH/bin/go-many-git' >> ~/.bashrc
Usage: gmg [@tag] <comand> [<args>]
Go-many-git basic usage is to run a particular git command across multiple repos
For example, 'gmg pull' runs 'git pull' across all registered repos
By default 'gmg' alone runs 'git status'
Optionally, a repos can be identified by a shared tag (@example), making it possible to target a subset of repos
ie: `gmg @api pull` runs `git pull` on all repos tagged with `api`
Go-many-git accepts all git commands, but here are a few gmg specific commands:
[@tag] register <path> Add the repo in <path> to the list of repos, with an optional tag
unregister <path> Remove the repo in <path> from the list
[@tag] b Shorthand to display the repos current branch
list Print all registered repos
help Print this help
Note that gmg writes its repo list to a config file located under ~/.config/gmg-repos.json
gmg is very inspired by the amazing mr and gr tools. A big thanks to them.