
Project Description: ChatGPT Doc Trainer - Train OpenAI's ChatGPT with local documents, develop prompts, and save results.

MIT LicenseMIT

ChatGPT Doc Trainer

This project aims to train OpenAI's ChatGPT using local documents and develop prompts to generate desired results. It provides a flexible and collaborative environment for training and experimenting with ChatGPT.


  • Train ChatGPT with local documents, including text files, PDFs, CSVs, and more.
  • Develop prompts to generate specific content.
  • Save results in a format that can be easily accessed and shared.
  • Sync the project to Git for collaborative development.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone [repository-url]
  2. Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Prepare your training data by placing the documents in the designated directory.
  4. Run the training script: python train.py


  1. Ask general questions to create effective prompts.
  2. Experiment with different training strategies and document sources.
  3. Adjust hyperparameters and model settings to achieve desired results.
  4. Save the generated content locally for further analysis and sharing.

Getting Started

This project's working branch is main, and it has the following directory structure:

	├── LICENSE.md
	├── Pipfile
	├── Pipfile.lock
	├── README.md
	├── data
	│   ├── raw
	│   └── processed
	├── docs
	│   └── support documentation and project descriptions
	└── src
	    └── all executbale script files

Running the App

  1. Clone the project

    git clone [https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY]
  2. Install dependencies from pipfile. More pipenv install info here

    # install pipenv if you don't have it
    pip install --user pipenv
    # now we can install required dependencies
    pipenv install
  3. run main.py

    python main.py

This will use the data located in data/raw and run through the full data pipeline.


The goal of this project is to [short goal description].

The work is completed in stages:

  1. [stage 1]
  2. [stage 2]

Part 1: Title

The scope is to...

Part 2: Title

Here we will....


Adam Broniewski


This project is open source software licensed as MIT.
