
Twitch chat analytics; filter garbage, see what people are feeling, and more using natural language processing.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

StreamFeel - Twitch chat analytics & more

StreamFeel is a Chrome Browser Extension for Twitch. It solves the problem of "I can't understand what people are saying because none of this makes sense!"; it uses an existing "dataset" or collection of messages to make conclusions (natural language processing).

Primary Features

Without the use of predefined rules or algorithm and by using thousands of twitch messages:

  • Filters chat messages intelligently,
  • Computes sentiment (what people are feeling),
  • User Mentions (in-progress),
  • Provides analytics; emote, sentiment, and the ability to view this info in realtime or by the minute.

Technical Challenges

  • More than I can count with fingers and toes

Important files

  • stream_feel.cc (pnacl/Release) : NLP, Native Client, Computation
  • streamfeelutil.cpp (/) : Utility to update (serialize) dataset for the native client module to use for classification
  • inject.js : Code injected into stream's page to manipulate twitch chat
  • (Other): default & sentiment.js are trained categorizer models used to load StreamFeel.

Technical Jargon (How)

It uses a form of machine learning: specifically multiclass linear SVM classification as well as natural language processing (sentimental analysis) using MITIE (MIT's Information Extraction Tools / Library) which is built on top of dlib, a high performance machine learning library (verbatim: https://github.com/mit-nlp/MITIE).

Additionally, for data visualization;

  • Chart.js Copyright (c) Nick Downie