
calculating carbon dioxide emissions given the user is travelling from place A to B

Primary LanguagePython

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Calculates your carbon dioxide emission when you travel from one place to another, depending on your distance and mode of transporation. The Carbon Footprint Calculator is your go-to tool for looking up and comparing modes of transportation before you go use Google Maps to obtain your travel route. You can choose among several transporation modes like driving, carpooling, using public transport, biking, and walking to see the comparisons in carbon dioxide emissions.

How It Works

Enter your starting location and destination (e.g. UC San Diego and Vallartas), along with your miles per gallon input if you are driving. We'll use this information to calculate the average carbon dioxide emission from your car or mode of transport, display this to you, and give example context to help you understand the application.

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Images from the Carbon Footprint Calculator

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Carbon Footprint Calculator

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Anaylsis page


Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies from the EPA

General Google Maps API Documentation

Maps API Distance Matrix Documentation