
context modified by middlewares is discarded

G3z opened this issue · 2 comments

G3z commented

i built a simple middleware to modify the context like so

    field :validate_code, type: :session do
      arg :phone, non_null(:string)
      arg :code, non_null(:string)

      resolve handle_errors(&DoStuff.UserResolver.validate_code/2)

      # Update context with current user
      middleware fn res, _ ->
        case res.value.user do
          nil -> res
          _ -> %{res | context: Map.put(res.context, :current_user, res.value.user)}

but context modification is discarded after execution

I also tried inspecting absinthe_phoenix internals by substituting https://github.com/absinthe-graphql/absinthe_phoenix/blob/master/lib/absinthe/phoenix/channel.ex#L49 with

        pipeline = config.schema
            |> Absinthe.Pipeline.for_document(opts)

        result = case Absinthe.Pipeline.run(query, pipeline) do
            {:ok, data, _phases} ->
                data |> IO.inspect
                {:ok, data.result}
            {:error, msg, _phases} ->
                {:error, msg}

data has only a context key which is inside resolution and contains the original context.
Is it possible to retrieve the new context from the blueprint and assign it to the socket ?

Hey so you're totally right, this isn't returned from Absinthe properly, that's my bad. I'm working on this now and should have rc.1 out shortly with this improved for both Absinthe and Absinthe.Phoenix.

Fixed in rc.1