- 1
Enable join, handle_in, and handle_out hooks
#30 opened by athal7 - 0
Link to new JS packages
#20 opened by bruce - 30
Pubsub not configured Error
#46 opened by maennchen - 1
- 3
@put directive doesn't work on master
#73 opened by QuinnWilton - 3
- 1
Phoenix 1.6 compatibility
#94 opened by peaceful-james - 13
- 6
subscription not working with flutter graphql
#56 opened by xxhenglyxx - 11
- 3
Bump decimal dependency to 2.0
#75 opened by ckruse - 2
Catchall `handle_info` in channel
#50 opened by bernardd - 3
Release new version
#82 opened by dolfinus - 2
Can't use absinthe_phoenix with absinthe v1.6.0
#80 opened by ramyma - 0
Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket.put_options/2 overwrites options, causes loss of custom adapter.
#76 opened by alanpeabody - 1
- 10
Full integration example
#22 opened by rafbgarcia - 35
Absinthe subscriptions OOM-ing processes
#61 opened by michaeljguarino - 1
(FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :elixir_aliases.do_concat/2
#71 opened by technicalcapt - 1
CRUD Generators (Schema + Resolvers + Tests)
#69 opened by popo63301 - 1
- 0
Logger options to Phoenix.Channel
#64 opened by fredr - 2
- 1
- 7
subscriptions in phoenix 14
#57 opened by cultofmetatron - 4
Phoenix 1.4
#52 opened by Sjoerd - 2
- 1
- 0
[Feauter] async WebSocket queries
#49 opened by mpoeter - 2
Phoenix's `action_fallback` is not respected
#34 opened by brainlid - 2
Do not change conn.params
#29 opened by zimt28 - 0
- 3
Subscription replay functionality
#35 opened by athal7 - 2
Cutting new release
#36 opened by samhamilton - 2
Graphiql Subscriptions Integration
#26 opened by warex03 - 0
Log errors in subscription requests
#32 opened by ghardin137 - 1
How to handle missing data?
#27 opened by zimt28 - 2
isDeepEqual is not defined
#28 opened by dvanderbeek - 12
Does not log GraphQL errors
#14 opened by ndarilek - 1
- 1
How to pass params?
#23 opened by rafbgarcia - 2
Support for request context data.
#8 opened by vic - 2
context modified by middlewares is discarded
#17 opened by G3z - 1
[Phoenix 1.3] GraphQL on the Server
#2 opened by zimt28 - 2
1.4.0-beta.1 release is missing socket.ex file
#5 opened by astery - 1
:id type case
#4 opened by G3z