isDeepEqual is not defined
dvanderbeek opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello! I'm trying to set up a simple example app using absinthe_phoenix, but I can't get the subscriptions to work. When I run a subscription query in GraphiQL with no WS URL configured, I get this (as expected): "Subscriptions cannot be run over HTTP. Please configure a websocket connection"
When I set the WS URL to ws://localhost:4000/graphiql
or ws://localhost:4000/socket
(or use the simple GraphiQL interface) and run my query, I do not see anything in the network panel of my browser and the only thing that shows up in the query results pane is isDeepEqual is not defined
. I'm sure there is something simple that I'm missing, but I followed the guides and can't get it to work. Any help would be appreciated!
Hey @dvanderbeek. We've seen this issue too, but since Absinthe.Plug
is where GraphiQL is hooked in we made the issue over there: absinthe-graphql/absinthe_plug#133
@benwilson512 Thanks. Just to document my solution, I just changed my mix.exs entry for absinthe_plug to {:absinthe_plug, git: "", ref: "c2bcef26360f9b31f122e25ac0cbfdd1b76455f7", override: true},
for now and it works