
Add cookie notice to your Plone site to be compliant with EU cookie law.

It uses to render the message.


The message stays in Plone document that you can add to each root of your site.

The package generates a default one on install with ID cookie-law-msg-LANG.

So that, if you have one language and not root language folders, you'll have


if your site is in english.

If you have more languages you'll have:

/Plone/cookie-law-msg-en /Plone/cookie-law-msg-fr /Plone/cookie-law-msg-es

and so on.

If you have root language folder (using LinguaPlone or PAM) you'll have:

/Plone/en/cookie-law-msg-en /Plone/fr/cookie-law-msg-fr /Plone/es/cookie-law-msg-es

CookieConsent options

You can tweak CookieConsent JSON options via registry with the key collective.cookielaw.jsonoptions.

You can also provide per-lang text for the dismiss button via the key collective.cookielaw.confirm_button_text that is a dictionary like:

{'en': 'Ok!', 'it': 'Ho capito!'}

NOTE: the link that brings you to the policy page and its text are empty because you can handle them in the text of the message.