Webservice JAX-WS - Resources config

TomEE relies on Apache CXF for JAX-RS (RESTful Services) and JAX-WS (Web Services). This is an example of how to develop EJB webservices thanks to CXF implementation.

openejb-jar.xml Configuration

You can use (openejb-jar.xml) to configure your webservice.

CXF API is reusable but you can also configure the interceptors through openejb-jar.xml(located in WEB-INF). As a quick reminder the configuration openejb-jar.xml looks like the following one for an EJB:

<openejb-jar xmlns="http://www.openejb.org/openejb-jar/1.1">
  <ejb-deployment ejb-name="CalculatorBean"> <!-- configure the bean, values are in resources.xml -->
      cxf.jaxws.in-interceptors = wss4j

For a Pojo webservice it is the same but using pojo-deployment instead of ejb-deployment.

Then once you selected your prefix and know where to write the config just use the following entries:

  • properties: server factory properties

  • features: CXF features

  • in-interceptors: CXF in interceptors

  • out-interceptors: CXF out interceptors

  • in-fault-interceptors: CXF in interceptors for fault handling

  • out-fault-interceptors: CXF out interceptors for fault handling

  • databinding: server databinding

  • providers (only for JAX-RS endpoint): list of JAX-RS providers

  • skip-provider-scanning (only for JAX-RS): is provider scanning on or not (default true)

For features and interceptors the rule is the same: value is a list comma separated. Each value of the list is either a qualified class name or an id of a service in resources.xml.

Sample for JAX-WS

To configure WSS4J on the EJB CalculatorBean for instance add in openejb-jar.xml:

  <!-- the interceptors -->
  <Service id="wss4j1" class-name="org.apache.openejb.server.cxf.config.WSS4JInInterceptorFactory" factory-name="create">
    action = UsernameToken
    passwordType = PasswordText
    passwordCallbackClass = org.superbiz.ws.security.PasswordCallbackHandler


passwordCallbackClass is one of property of WSS4JInInterceptorFactory and his value is the class PasswordCallbackHandler.

PasswordCallbackHandler use org.apache.wss4j.common.ext.WSPasswordCallback to provide password callback mechanism.


Full example can be found here:

Run the tests

Full project example can be found here. It’s a maven project, and all the tests can be executed by running mvn clean test command.

mvn clean test
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0