
Cropped output

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Capturing sometimes crops the output.


Somehow due to the independent panel not getting the correct size.

In older versions (much much older) of Maya having a window over the viewport being playblasted also meant having it being cut off in the output.

Not sure if related?

No, this isn't that. That wasn't related to Maya anyway, that was a Windows thing, and the fact that pre-Aero (win 7), windows behind other windows weren't drawn by the OS. Add to that that Maya takes screenshots of a window for it's playblasts, and you've got a recipe for disaster.

This is much improved with the off-screen playblasts, which is completely in memory and independent of the drawn windows.

No, this isn't that. That wasn't related to Maya anyway, that was a Windows thing,

Great. Just checking.

Would be great to find a piece of code that reproduces the issue with the cropping so we can track it down. Or is it only on random occasions?

It's random. :( Or at least, as far as I can tell at.

It usually happens for the first capture, so it might be some initialisation thing. I haven't looked too closely at it.

Haven't seen this happen in a while, might be fixed in some of the more recent updates.

Closing until it reapperas.