- 3
- 3
flatShaded mode will render black if viewport is not set to flatShaded prior to capture
#91 opened by joshdicarlo - 2
- 1
support for backface culling
#90 opened by frenchie1980 - 5
RuntimeError: Unable to create movie file
#29 opened by BigRoy - 2 has maya and PySide(2) as dependencies
#89 opened by salvaom - 2
ViewPort2 option "floatingPointRTEnable" set to False for Maya 2016 Standalone
#88 opened by davidlatwe - 12
Capture with Maya 2018?
#87 opened by ISkipy - 2
fix format variable
#83 opened by cg-cnu - 0
Fix py linting errors
#81 opened by cg-cnu - 1
Define custom saving behavior
#80 opened by BigRoy - 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
Workaround Maya error when using raw frame numbers with only start and end frame
#74 opened by BigRoy - 6
- 3
Missing frame padding argument for capture
#70 opened by BigRoy - 2
Missing some ViewportOptions keys
#69 opened by BigRoy - 3
Add renderer option
#66 opened by mottosso - 8
viewer=False removes file extension
#51 opened by mottosso - 13
First frame not rendering with passed settings
#60 opened by BigRoy - 0
- 15
Support isolate view options
#61 opened by BigRoy - 3
Camera with locked parameters
#50 opened by mottosso - 0
- 8
FFMPEG support
#59 opened by mkolar - 2
- 6
- 5
- 3
capture will always disable gpuCache visibility
#55 opened by BigRoy - 1
Add support for showOrnaments argument
#52 opened by BigRoy - 9
Wedge support
#48 opened by mottosso - 1
view = panel
#46 opened by mottosso - 0
- 0
Moving to abstractfactory
#45 opened by mottosso - 1
- 2
parse_view takes a camera
#42 opened by mottosso - 2
#43 opened by mottosso - 0
off_screen still shows the window
#44 opened by mottosso - 5
parse_active_view: No object matches name
#39 opened by mottosso - 0
Add compatibility switches
#40 opened by mottosso - 4
- 3
depthOfFieldPreview doesn't exist
#38 opened by mottosso - 3
- 1
More examples
#32 opened by mottosso - 15
- 4
- 8
Undo after capture/snap goes to frame 1 instead of preserving the previous frame.
#21 opened by BigRoy - 1
- 0
Capture does not preserve the current time state
#23 opened by BigRoy