
Quality implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms in tensorflow 2.x, for fast and effective experimentation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License

xagents - reusable, scalable, performant reinforcement learning algorithms in tf2


You can check the walkthrough if you prefer a notebook, which will walk you through the different features.

1. Installation


Install swig using apt / brew depending on your os

git clone https://github.com/alternativebug/xagents
pip install xagents/


  • To be able to use atari environments / run tests, according to atari-py, you need to install ROMS:

    mkdir Roms
    wget http://www.atarimania.com/roms/Roms.rar
    unrar e -r Roms.rar Roms
    python -m atari_py.import_roms Roms

Verify installation



xagents 1.0.1

    xagents <command> <agent> [options] [args]

Available commands:
    train      Train given an agent and environment
    play       Play a game given a trained agent and environment
    tune       Tune hyperparameters given an agent, hyperparameter specs, and environment

Use xagents <command> to see more info about a command
Use xagents <command> <agent> to see more info about command + agent

2. Description

xagents is a tensorflow based mini-library which facilitates experimentation with existing reinforcement learning algorithms, as well as the implementation of new ones. It provides well tested components that can be easily modified or extended. The available selection of algorithms can be used directly or through command line.

3. Features

3.1. Tensorflow 2.x

  • All available agents are based on tensorflow 2.x.
  • High performance training loops executed in graph mode.
  • Keras models.

3.2. wandb support

Visualization of the training is supported, as well as many other awesome features provided by wandb.


3.3. Multiple environments

All agents support multiple environments, which operations are conducted in tensorflow graph. This boosts training speed without the overhead of creating a process per environment. Atari and environments that return images, are wrapped in LazyFrames which significantly lower memory usage.

3.4. Multiple memory-optimized replay buffers

There are 2 kinds of replay buffers available:

Both support max size and initial size, and are usually combined with LazyFrames for memory optimality.

3.5. Command line options

All features are available through the command line. For more command line info, check command line options

3.6. Intuitive hyperparameter tuning from cli

Command line tuning interface based on optuna, which provides many hyperparameter features and types. 3 types are currently used by xagents:

  • Categorical:

    xagents tune <agent> --env <env> --interesting-param <val1> <val2> <val3> # ...
  • Int / log uniform:

    xagents tune <agent> --env <env> --interesting-param <min-val> <max-val>

And in both examples if --interesting-param is not specified, it will have the default value, or a fixed value, if only 1 value is specified. Also, some nice visualization options using optuna.visualization.matplotlib:


3.7. Early stopping / reduce on plateau.

Early train stopping usually when plateau is reached for a pre-specified n number of times without any improvement. Learning rate is reduced by some pre-determined factor. To activate these features:

--divergence-monitoring-steps <train-steps-at-which-should-monitor>

3.8. Discrete and continuous action spaces

Discrete Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Continuous Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes

3.9. Unit tests

Main components are covered using pytest.

3.10. Models are loaded from .cfg files

To facilitate experimentation, and eliminate redundancy, all agents support loading models by passing either --model <model.cfg> or --actor-model <actor.cfg> and --critic-model <critic.cfg>. If no models were passed, the default ones will be loaded. A typical model.cfg file would look like:








Which should generate a keras model similar to this one with output units 6, and 1 respectively:

Model: "model"
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)            [(None, 84, 84, 1)]  0                                            
conv2d (Conv2D)                 (None, 20, 20, 32)   2080        input_1[0][0]                    
conv2d_1 (Conv2D)               (None, 9, 9, 64)     32832       conv2d[0][0]                     
conv2d_2 (Conv2D)               (None, 7, 7, 64)     36928       conv2d_1[0][0]                   
flatten (Flatten)               (None, 3136)         0           conv2d_2[0][0]                   
dense (Dense)                   (None, 512)          1606144     flatten[0][0]                    
dense_1 (Dense)                 (None, 6)            3078        dense[0][0]                      
dense_2 (Dense)                 (None, 1)            513         dense[0][0]                      
Total params: 1,681,575
Trainable params: 1,681,575
Non-trainable params: 0


  • You don't have to worry about this if you're going to use the default models, which are loaded automatically.
  • common=1 marks a layer to be reused by the following layers, which means dense-1 and dense-2 are called on the output of dense-0.
  • Initializer can be orthogonal or glorot_uniform, and to add more, you'll have to modify xagents.utils.common.ModelReader.initializers.
  • output=1 marks a layer as output which will be appended to the outputs of the resulting tf.keras.Model
  • Dense layers without units (output layers) will expect their respective units to be passed to xagents.utils.common.ModelReader.

3.11. Training history checkpoints

Saving training history is available for further benchmarking / visualizing results. This is achieved by specifying --history-checkpoint <history.parquet> which will result in a .parquet that will be updated at each episode end. A sample data point will have these columns:

  • mean_reward most recent mean of agent episode rewards.
  • best_reward most recent best of agent episode rewards.
  • episode_reward most recent episode reward.
  • step most recent agent step.
  • time training elapsed time.

Which enables producing plots similar to the ones below, using xagents.utils.common.plot_history

step-benchmark time-benchmark

3.12. Reproducible results

All operation results are reproducible by passing --seed <some-seed> or seed=some_seed to agent constructor.

3.13. Gameplay output to .jpg frames or .mp4 vid

Gameplay visual output can be saved to vid, by passing --video-dir <some-dir> or to .jpg frames by passing --frame-dir <some-dir> to play command.

3.14. Resume training / history

Weights are saved to .tf by specifying --checkpoints <ckpt1.tf> <ckpt2.tf>. To resume training, --weights <ckpt1.tf> <ckpt2.tf> should load the weights saved earlier. If --history-checkpoint <ckpt.parquet> is specified, the file is looked for and if found, further training history will be saved to the same history ckpt.parquet and the agent metrics will be updated with the most recent ones contained in the history file.

4. Usage

All agents / commands are available through the command line.

xagents <command> <agent> [options] [args]

Note: Unless called from command line with --weights passed, all models passed to agents in code, should be loaded with weights beforehand, if called for resuming training or playing.

4.1. Training


Through command line

xagents train a2c --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --n-env 16 --target-reward 19 --preprocess

Through direct importing

import xagents
from xagents import A2C
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('PongNoFrameskip-v4')
model = ModelReader(
    output_units=[6, 1],
agent = A2C(envs, model)

Then either max_steps or target_reward should be specified to start training:


4.2. Playing


Through command line

xagents play a2c --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --preprocess --weights <trained-a2c-weights> --render

Through direct importing

import xagents
from xagents import A2C
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('PongNoFrameskip-v4')
model = ModelReader(
    output_units=[6, 1],
agent = A2C(envs, model)

Save video



xagents play a2c --video-dir /path/to/video-dir/  

Save frames



xagents play a2c --frame-dir /path/to/frame-dir/

and all arguments can be combined --video-dir <vid-dir> --frame-dir <frame-dir> --render

4.3. Tuning



  • Due to an issue with tensorflow that causes occasional memory leaks, if trials are run consecutively using:

    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100)

    The current implementation runs trials in separate processes that are killed after each trial, to release the resources. Therefore, you may find the suggested non-command line example different from optuna's docs.

  • There are hyperparameters that accept min and max values, and others that support n values. To know which is what, check the hp_type in the help menu table. categorical takes any number of values, otherwise min and max.

  • For more info about how the optimization algorithms work under the hood, you may want to check optuna docs.

  • Tuning from later stages of the training is available by passing --weights <weights1.tf> <weights2.tf> which loads agent respective model weights, and tuning starts from there.

  • Only the hyperparameters selected are tuned, the rest will keep the default values and will not be tuned or can have a single fixed value --flag <val>

  • Also, due to tensorflow issue mentioned above, tensorflow logging is silenced using TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to prevent each trial process from displaying the same import log messages over and over ...

Through command line

!TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 xagents tune ppo --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --study ppo-carnival --storage sqlite:///ppo-carnival.db --trial-steps 500000 --n-trials 100 --warmup-trials 3 --preprocess --n-envs 16 32 --lr 1e-5 1e-2 --opt-epsilon 1e-7 1e-4 --gamma 0.9 0.999 --entropy-coef 0.01 0.2 --n-steps 16 32 64 128 --lam 0.7 0.99

Through direct importing

import os

os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed

import numpy as np
import optuna
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import PPO
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

def get_hparams(trial):
    return {
        'n_steps': int(
            trial.suggest_categorical('n_steps', [2 ** i for i in range(2, 11)])
        'learning_rate': trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-5, 1e-2),
        'epsilon': trial.suggest_loguniform('epsilon', 1e-7, 1e-1),
        'entropy_coef': trial.suggest_loguniform('entropy_coef', 1e-8, 2e-1),
        'n_envs': int(
            trial.suggest_categorical('n_envs', [2 ** i for i in range(4, 7)])
        'grad_norm': trial.suggest_uniform('grad_norm', 0.1, 10.0),
        'lam': trial.suggest_loguniform('lam', 0.65, 0.99),
        'clip_norm': trial.suggest_loguniform('clip_norm', 0.01, 10),

def optimize_agent(trial):
    hparams = get_hparams(trial)
    envs = create_envs('BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4', hparams['n_envs'])
    optimizer = Adam(
    model_cfg = xagents.agents['ppo']['model']['cnn'][0]
    model = ModelReader(
        output_units=[envs[0].action_space.n, 1],
    agent = PPO(
    steps = 500000
    current_rewards = np.around(np.mean(agent.total_rewards), 2)
    if not np.isfinite(current_rewards):
        current_rewards = 0
    return current_rewards

def run_trial():
    study = optuna.create_study(
    study.optimize(optimize_agent, n_trials=1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for _ in range(100):
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(1) as executor:
            future_trials = [executor.submit(run_trial)]
            for future_trial in as_completed(future_trials):

5. Command line options

Note: Not all the flags listed below are available at once, and to know which ones are, respective to the command you passed, you can use:

xagents <command>


xagents <command> <agent>

which should list command + agent options combined

Flags (Available for all agents)

5.1. Agent

flags help default hp_type
--checkpoints Path(s) to new model(s) to which checkpoint(s) will be saved during training - -
--display-precision Number of decimals to be displayed 2 -
--divergence-monitoring-steps Steps after which, plateau and early stopping are active - -
--early-stop-patience Minimum plateau reduces to stop training 3 -
--gamma Discount factor 0.99 log_uniform
--history-checkpoint Path to .parquet file to save training history - -
--log-frequency Log progress every n games - -
--plateau-reduce-factor Factor multiplied by current learning rate when there is a plateau 0.9 -
--plateau-reduce-patience Minimum non-improvements to reduce lr 10 -
--quiet If specified, no messages by the agent will be displayed - -
to the console
--reward-buffer-size Size of the total reward buffer, used for calculating 100 -
mean reward value to be displayed.
--seed Random seed - -

5.2. General

flags help default hp_type
--beta1 Beta1 passed to a tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Optimizer 0.9 log_uniform
--beta2 Beta2 passed to a tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Optimizer 0.999 log_uniform
--env gym environment id - -
--lr Learning rate passed to a tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Optimizer 0.0007 log_uniform
--max-frame If specified, max & skip will be applied during preprocessing - categorical
--n-envs Number of environments to create 1 categorical
--opt-epsilon Epsilon passed to a tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Optimizer 1e-07 log_uniform
--preprocess If specified, states will be treated as atari frames - -
and preprocessed accordingly
--weights Path(s) to model(s) weight(s) to be loaded by agent output_models - -

5.3. Training

flags help
--max-steps Maximum number of environment steps, when reached, training is stopped
--monitor-session Wandb session name
--target-reward Target reward when reached, training is stopped

5.4. Playing

flags help default
--action-idx Index of action output by agent.model 0
--frame-delay Delay between rendered frames 0
--frame-dir Path to directory to save game frames -
--frame-frequency If --frame-dir is specified, save frames every n frames. 1
--render If specified, the gameplay will be rendered -
--video-dir Path to directory to save the resulting gameplay video -

5.5. Tuning

flags help default
--n-jobs Parallel trials 1
--n-trials Number of trials to run 1
--non-silent tensorflow, optuna and agent are silenced at trial start -
to avoid repetitive import messages at each trial start, unless
this flag is specified
--storage Database url -
--study Name of optuna study -
--trial-steps Maximum steps for a trial 500000
--warmup-trials warmup trials before pruning starts 5

5.6. Off-policy (available to off-policy agents only)

flags help default hp_type
--buffer-batch-size Replay buffer batch size 32 categorical
--buffer-initial-size Replay buffer initial size - int
--buffer-max-size Maximum replay buffer size 10000 int

6. Algorithms

General notes

  • All the default hyperparameters don't work for all environments. Which means you either need to tune them according to the given environment, or pass previously tuned ones, in order to get good results.
  • --model <model.cfg> or --actor-model <actor.cfg> and --critic-model <critic.cfg> are optional which means, if not specified, the default model(s) will be loaded, so you don't have to worry about it.
  • You can also use external models by passing them to agent constructor. If you do, you will have to ensure your models outputs match what the implementation expects, or modify it accordingly.
  • For atari environments / the ones that return an image by default, use the --preprocess flag for image preprocessing.
  • For checkpoints to be saved, --checkpoints <checkpoint1.tf> <checkpoint2.tf> should be specified for the model(s) to be saved. The number of passed checkpoints should match the number of models the agent accepts.
  • For loading weights either for resuming training or for playing a game --weights <weights1.tf> <weights2.tf> and same goes for the weights, they should match the number of agent models.
  • For using a random seed, a seed=some_seed should be passed to agent constructor and ModelReader constructor if specified from code. If from the command line, all you need is to pass --seed <some-seed>
  • To save training history, history_checkpoint=some_history.parquet should be specified to agent constructor or alternatively using --history-checkpoint <some-history.parquet>. If the history checkpoint exists, training metrics will automatically start from where it left.

6.1. A2C

  • Number of models: 1
  • Action spaces: discrete and continuous
flags help default hp_type
--entropy-coef Entropy coefficient for loss calculation 0.01 log_uniform
--grad-norm Gradient clipping value passed to tf.clip_by_value() 0.5 log_uniform
--model Path to model .cfg file - -
--n-steps Transition steps 5 categorical
--value-loss-coef Value loss coefficient for value loss calculation 0.5 log_uniform

Command line

 xagents train a2c --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --target-reward 19 --n-envs 16 --preprocess --checkpoints a2c-pong.tf


xagents train a2c --env BipedalWalker-v3 --target-reward 100 --n-envs 16 --checkpoints a2c-bipedal-walker.tf

Non-command line

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import A2C
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('PongNoFrameskip-v4', 16)
model_cfg = xagents.agents['a2c']['model']['cnn'][0]
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=7e-4)
model = ModelReader(
    output_units=[envs[0].action_space.n, 1],
agent = A2C(envs, model, checkpoints=['a2c-pong.tf'])

And for BipedalWalker-v3, the only difference is that you have to specify preprocess=False to create_envs()

6.2. ACER

  • Number of models: 1
  • Action spaces: discrete
  • Due to implementation details, buffer batch size for ACER is n-steps. Therefore buffer-batch-size is set to 1.
flags help default hp_type
--delta delta param used for trust region update 1 log_uniform
--ema-alpha Moving average decay passed to tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage() 0.99 log_uniform
--entropy-coef Entropy coefficient for loss calculation 0.01 log_uniform
--epsilon epsilon used in gradient updates 1e-06 log_uniform
--grad-norm Gradient clipping value passed to tf.clip_by_value() 10 log_uniform
--importance-c Importance weight truncation parameter. 10.0 log_uniform
--model Path to model .cfg file - -
--n-steps Transition steps 20 categorical
--replay-ratio Lam value passed to np.random.poisson() 4 categorical
--trust-region True by default, if this flag is specified, - -
trust region updates will be used
--value-loss-coef Value loss coefficient for value loss calculation 0.5 log_uniform

Command line

xagents train acer --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --target-reward 19 --n-envs 16 --preprocess --checkpoints acer-pong.tf --buffer-max-size 5000 --buffer-initial-size 500 --trust-region

Non-command line

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import ACER
from xagents.utils.buffers import ReplayBuffer1
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('PongNoFrameskip-v4', 16)
buffers = [
    ReplayBuffer1(5000, initial_size=500, batch_size=1) for _ in range(len(envs))
model_cfg = xagents.agents['acer']['model']['cnn'][0]
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=7e-4)
model = ModelReader(
    output_units=[envs[0].action_space.n, envs[0].action_space.n],
agent = ACER(envs, model, buffers, checkpoints=['acer-pong.tf'])

6.3. DDPG

  • Number of models: 2
  • Action spaces: continuous
  • FPS varies because a different number of updates is executed at each train step, unless --gradient-steps is specified.
flags help default hp_type
--actor-model Path to actor model .cfg file - -
--critic-model Path to critic model .cfg file - -
--gradient-steps Number of iterations per train step - int
--step-noise-coef Coefficient multiplied by noise added to actions to step 0.1 log_uniform
--tau Value used for syncing target model weights 0.005 log_uniform

Command line

xagents train ddpg --env BipedalWalker-v3 --target-reward 100 --n-envs 16 --checkpoints ddpg-actor-bipedal-walker.tf ddpg-critic-bipedal-walker.tf --buffer-max-size 1000000 --buffer-initial-size 25000 --buffer-batch-size 100

Non-command line

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import DDPG
from xagents.utils.buffers import ReplayBuffer2
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('BipedalWalker-v3', 16, preprocess=False)
buffers = [
    ReplayBuffer2(62500, slots=5, initial_size=1560, batch_size=8)
    for _ in range(len(envs))
actor_model_cfg = xagents.agents['ddpg']['actor_model']['ann'][0]
critic_model_cfg = xagents.agents['ddpg']['critic_model']['ann'][0]
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=7e-4)
actor_model = ModelReader(
critic_model = ModelReader(
    input_shape=envs[0].observation_space.shape[0] + envs[0].action_space.shape[0],
agent = DDPG(
    checkpoints=['ddpg-actor-bipedal-walker.tf', 'ddpg-critic-bipedal-walker.tf'],


  • Number of models: 1
  • Action spaces: discrete
flags help default hp_type
--double If specified, DDQN will be used - -
--epsilon-decay-steps Number of steps for epsilon-start to reach epsilon-end 150000 int
--epsilon-end Epsilon end value (minimum exploration rate) 0.02 log_uniform
--epsilon-start Starting epsilon value which is used to control random exploration. 1.0 log_uniform
It should be decremented and adjusted according to implementation needs
--model Path to model .cfg file - -
--target-sync-steps Sync target models every n steps 1000 int

Command line

xagents train dqn --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --target-reward 19 --n-envs 3 --lr 1e-4 --preprocess --checkpoints dqn-pong.tf --buffer-max-size 50000 --buffer-initial-size 10000 --max-frame

Non-command line

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import DQN
from xagents.utils.buffers import ReplayBuffer1
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('PongNoFrameskip-v4', 3, max_frame=True)
buffers = [
    ReplayBuffer1(16666, initial_size=3333, batch_size=10) for _ in range(len(envs))
model_cfg = xagents.agents['dqn']['model']['cnn'][0]
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=7e-4)
model = ModelReader(
agent = DQN(envs, model, buffers, checkpoints=['dqn-pong.tf'])

Note: if you need a DDQN, specify double=True to the agent constructor or --double

6.5. PPO

  • Number of models: 1
  • Action spaces: discrete, continuous
flags help default hp_type
--advantage-epsilon Value added to estimated advantage 1e-08 log_uniform
--clip-norm Clipping value passed to tf.clip_by_value() 0.1 log_uniform
--entropy-coef Entropy coefficient for loss calculation 0.01 log_uniform
--grad-norm Gradient clipping value passed to tf.clip_by_value() 0.5 log_uniform
--lam GAE-Lambda for advantage estimation 0.95 log_uniform
--mini-batches Number of mini-batches to use per update 4 categorical
--model Path to model .cfg file - -
--n-steps Transition steps 128 categorical
--ppo-epochs Gradient updates per training step 4 categorical
--value-loss-coef Value loss coefficient for value loss calculation 0.5 log_uniform

Command line

xagents train ppo --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --target-reward 19 --n-envs 16 --preprocess --checkpoints ppo-pong.tf


xagents train ppo --env BipedalWalker-v3 --target-reward 200 --n-envs 16 --checkpoints ppo-bipedal-walker.tf

Non-command line

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import PPO
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('PongNoFrameskip-v4', 16)
model_cfg = xagents.agents['ppo']['model']['cnn'][0]
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=7e-4)
model = ModelReader(
    output_units=[envs[0].action_space.n, 1],
agent = PPO(envs, model, checkpoints=['ppo-pong.tf'])

6.6. TD3

  • Number of models: 3
  • Action spaces: continuous
  • TD3 constructor accepts only 2 models as input but accepts 3 for checkpoints or weights, because the second critic network will be cloned at runtime.
  • FPS varies because a different number of updates is executed at each train step, unless --gradient-steps is specified.
flags help default hp_type
--actor-model Path to actor model .cfg file - -
--critic-model Path to critic model .cfg file - -
--gradient-steps Number of iterations per train step - int
--noise-clip Target noise clipping value 0.5 log_uniform
--policy-delay Delay after which, actor weights and target models will be updated 2 categorical
--policy-noise-coef Coefficient multiplied by noise added to target actions 0.2 log_uniform
--step-noise-coef Coefficient multiplied by noise added to actions to step 0.1 log_uniform
--tau Value used for syncing target model weights 0.005 log_uniform

Command line

xagents train td3 --env BipedalWalker-v3 --target-reward 300 --n-envs 16 --checkpoints td3-actor-bipedal-walker.tf td3-critic1-bipedal-walker.tf td3-critic2-bipedal-walker.tf --buffer-max-size 1000000 --buffer-initial-size 100 --buffer-batch-size 100

Non-command line

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import TD3
from xagents.utils.buffers import ReplayBuffer2
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('BipedalWalker-v3', 16, preprocess=False)
buffers = [
    ReplayBuffer2(62500, slots=5, initial_size=1560, batch_size=8)
    for _ in range(len(envs))
actor_model_cfg = xagents.agents['td3']['actor_model']['ann'][0]
critic_model_cfg = xagents.agents['td3']['critic_model']['ann'][0]
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=7e-4)
actor_model = ModelReader(
critic_model = ModelReader(
    input_shape=envs[0].observation_space.shape[0] + envs[0].action_space.shape[0],
agent = TD3(

6.7. TRPO

  • Number of models: 2
  • Action spaces: discrete, continuous
flags help default hp_type
--actor-iterations Actor optimization iterations per train step 10 int
--actor-model Path to actor model .cfg file - -
--advantage-epsilon Value added to estimated advantage 1e-08 log_uniform
--cg-damping Gradient conjugation damping parameter 0.001 log_uniform
--cg-iterations Gradient conjugation iterations per train step 10 -
--cg-residual-tolerance Gradient conjugation residual tolerance parameter 1e-10 log_uniform
--clip-norm Clipping value passed to tf.clip_by_value() 0.1 log_uniform
--critic-iterations Critic optimization iterations per train step 3 int
--critic-model Path to critic model .cfg file - -
--entropy-coef Entropy coefficient for loss calculation 0 log_uniform
--fvp-n-steps Value used to skip every n-frames used to calculate FVP 5 int
--grad-norm Gradient clipping value passed to tf.clip_by_value() 0.5 log_uniform
--lam GAE-Lambda for advantage estimation 1.0 log_uniform
--max-kl Maximum KL divergence used for calculating Lagrange multiplier 0.001 log_uniform
--mini-batches Number of mini-batches to use per update 4 categorical
--n-steps Transition steps 512 categorical
--ppo-epochs Gradient updates per training step 4 categorical
--value-loss-coef Value loss coefficient for value loss calculation 0.5 log_uniform

Command line

xagents train trpo --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --target-reward 19 --n-envs 16 --checkpoints trpo-actor-pong.tf trpo-critic-pong.tf --preprocess --lr 1e-3


xagents train trpo --env BipedalWalker-v3 --target-reward 200 --n-envs 16 --checkpoints trpo-actor-pong.tf trpo-critic-pong.tf --lr 1e-3

Non-command line

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

import xagents
from xagents import TRPO
from xagents.utils.common import ModelReader, create_envs

envs = create_envs('PongNoFrameskip-v4', 16)
actor_model_cfg = xagents.agents['trpo']['actor_model']['cnn'][0]
critic_model_cfg = xagents.agents['trpo']['critic_model']['cnn'][0]
optimizer = Adam()
actor_model = ModelReader(
critic_model = ModelReader(
agent = TRPO(

7. License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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9. Contact


Project link: https://github.com/alternativebug/xagents