
A simple console logging utility for JQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A simple console logging utility for JQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
	//Logging is off by default you must set the level one of two ways to see it
	// 1- Use the javascript console or hard code the level in code somewhere, preferably before any other logging is executed
	$.log.level('all'); //How much logging do you want to see
	//  'all' 'debug' 'info' 'warn' 'error'
	// 2- Use the hash to enable it log:{level}
	// Url http://localhost/loggins-disco#log:all
	var allowLoggingOfInfoMessages = $.log.enabled('info');
	// Returns true if logging level is active
	$.log.write('Celebrate Me Home'); 
	//> Celebrate Me Home
	//>[+] Night Watch
	$.log.info('Keep the Fire'); 
	//>[?] Keep the Fire
	$.log.warn('High Adventure'); 
	//>[*] High Adventure
	$.log.error('Leap of Faith'); 
	//>[!] Leap of Faith
		 throw new Error('I Believe in Love')
	//>[!] 1351 : I Believe in Love
	$.log.enter('If You Believe'); //Enters a contextual code block
	$.log.debug('All Join In'); //Message will appear with contextual note 
	//>[!] If You Believe : All Join In
	$.log.exit(); //Exits a contextual code block
	$.log.start('It\'s About Time'); //Enters a timed code block
	//Something that takes time
	$.log.stop(); //Exits and prints duration along with title
	// It's About Time 0:5:295
	$.log.reset(); //Clears context and timer stack
	$(this).log().info('How About Now'); //Writes message with (this) as 
	// [?] A #mylink .myClass : How About Now
	$(this).log().warn('How About Now'); //Writes message with (this) as 
	// [*] A #mylink .myClass : How About Now
	$(this).log().error('How About Now'); //Writes message with (this) as 
	// [!] A #mylink .myClass : How About Now
	// [?] arguments are concatenated
	var why = 'why';
	var should = 'should'
	$.log.info(why,' ',should,' I care')
	// [?] why should I care