
Answers to questions in the industry standard Bryant and O'Hallaron book, using K&R book as a guide.

C, ASM, Linux, gdb. x86.

Here are a few PDFs I created for the purpose of self teaching from the industry standard Bryant and O'Hallaron book, using the Kernigan Ritchie book as a guide.

These are answers to the "homework questions" in the industry standard C books by Kernigan Ritchie and Bryant O'Hallaron. To run the code for these answers, I used x86, Linux, gdb, object dump, hex dump, and more.

You are welcome to download and use this information.

Documents include:

B&O Chapter 2: C + x86 Assembly : Representing and Manipulating Information

B&O Chapter 3: C + x86 Assembly : Machine-Level Representations of Programs (pointer arithmetic, addressing, hex, binary, endian-ness, floating point, logic)

B&O Chapter 5 + 6: C + x86 Assembly : Optimizing Program Performance and The Memory Hierarchy (caches, etc)

B&O Chapter 8: C + x86 Assembly : Exceptional Control Flow

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