
[WIP] Python program for easy interaction with IKEA Trådfri devices

Primary LanguagePython


trad is a simple, and currently unfinished, command line python program to facilitate easy interaction with IKEA Trådfri devices. Currently it can do simple tasks like turn on / turn off or dim lightbulbs. See example commands below.


  • pytradfri library (tested on version 5.4.2) - install it via pip or wherever you install your python packages from. Source code and more information at https://github.com/ggravlingen/pytradfri
  • python 3
  • An IKEA Trådfri gateway, connected to at least one bulb.
  • I have personally only tested/used it on linux, but it should work on any platform as long as the above requirements are met.


I bought some IKEA Trådfri bulbs and a gateway, and wanted an easy way to interact with them via scripts and keyboard shortcuts.

One use case I really like: I have a Raspberry Pi running Kodi media center, and I have set it up to use this program to turn off all lights when it starts playing a video, and turn lights back on when playback stops! I love it.


  • Install pytradfri, and then clone this repository.
  • Copy the trad file to a directory in your PATH (if you want access to it from anywhere).
  • On Linux/unix: create a directory named trad under $HOME/.config
  • On Windows: create a directory named trad in your user directory, probably C:\Users\{your username}
  • Run trad setup {ip} {key} replacing {ip} with the ip address to your IKEA Trådfri gateway, and {key} with the security code found on your gateway. This security code will be encrypted and stored in a .json file in the directory you created above.
  • Example: trad setup dj2o3njmdcvoj23r

Now the program should be working, and be able to communicate with your gateway. Try it with trad devices and see if it lists the devices on your network.


Note: all device names are case insensitive!

Note: if a device name contains spaces (e.g. "Office 2") you must surround it with quotation marks on the command line, e.g. trad on "office 2". Single quotation marks also works.

  • trad on {name} will turn on lightbulb named {name}.

  • trad off {name} will turn off lightbulb named {name}.

  • trad toggle {name} will turn toggle lightbulb named {name} on or off, depending on its current state.

  • trad dim {name} {value} will set brightness value of lightbulb named {name} to {value}. Value must be between 0-254.

  • trad temp {name} {value} will change the color temperature of a bulb. Value can be warm/normal/cool, or a number between 0-204.

  • trad groups will list the names of all groups defined in your gateway. Add -j to output json with all known details.

  • trad devices will list the names of all devices defined in your gateway. Add -j to output json with all known details.

  • trad daemon will daemonize the program - DO NOT USE - THE DAEMON CURRENTLY DOES NOTHING!!

TODO (aka Planned Features) (aka Wanted Features)

  • Migrate to a client/server model - or a daemon that can monitor the network and all trådfri device, and respond to commands.
  • Add interaction with entire groups (e.g. something like trad off livingroom -g to turn off all bulbs in the 'livingroom' group.)
  • [DONE for on/off state] Add command to get the current state of a lightbulb.
  • Add support for tasks/timers, and moods.
  • [DONE] Add support for setting color temperature.
  • Add support for RGB bulbs.
  • Many of these are already supported by pytradfri - those should be relatively easy to implement.