
My notes and code for the Redux tutorial at: https://redux.js.org/.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux tutorial

My notes and code going through the redux tutorial at .


Actions are an object that have a type and some user defined data that get dispatched to the store.

They tell us what happened, but don't exactly tell us how to change the state, that's the job of reducers which are covered next.

Example: we can create an "ADD_TODO" type, associate some text with it and dispatch it.

// Action Types are defined

export const ADD_TODO = 'ADD_TODO';

// Actions are created

  type: ADD_TODO,
  text: 'Some text that represents the todo'

// We can use functions to create actions

export function addTodo(text) {
  { type: ADD_TODO, text }


Actions told us what actions happened in our application but didn't tell us how we should change the state.

Reducers are pure functions that take in a state and return a new state.

Using reducers we can create the functionality in our app that reacts to dispatched actions.

// Some initial state
const initialState = {
  VisibilityFilter: VisibilityFilters.SHOW_ALL,
  todos: []

// A reducer that updates the visibility filter
function todoApp(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        visibilityFilter: action.filter
      return state

Reducer Composition

It's a common design pattern to write reducers that handle each part of the state.

// initial state

const initialState = {
  visibilityFilter: visibilityFilters.SHOW_ALL,
  todos: []

Given this initial state we write a reducer that handles todos and a reducer that handles VisibilityFilters.

function todos(state = [], action) { ... }
function visibilityFilter(state = SHOW_ALL, action) { ... }

These functions take in todos and visiblityFilter respectively. The cases where the state passed in is undefined are handled by the default parameter.

We can create a file to handle these reducers and create an object using combineReducers to package together our reducers.

// reducers.js

const todoApp = combineReducers({


The store brings our actions and reducers together.

It holds the state, gives access to the state, allows the state to be updated, and adds and removes listeners.

In a redux app you'll only have one store.

To create a store we import the result of our combineReducers() call from the previous section and pass it to createStore().

import { createStore } from 'redux'
import todoApp from './reducers'

const store = createStore(todoApp)

store.getState() // outputs: { todos: [], visibiltyFilter: SHOW_ALL }

store.dispatch(addTodo("Start a project")) // dispatches "ADD_TODO" with data

store.getState() // outsput: { todos: [{ text: "Start a project", completed: false }], visibiltyFilter: SHOW_ALL }

You can also add a listener to the store that gets called when the store is updated.

const unsubscribe = store.listener(() => {
  console.log(store.getState()) // logs the state everytime the store is updated

The store.listener() function returns a method to unregister a listener when called.

To stop listening to changes that occur to the store just call unsubscribe().