
Information Retrieval and Web Search (Fall 2021-22)

Primary LanguageC

Col-764 Information Retrieval and Web Search

Assignment - 2

1. To Run Rocchio -

bash rocchio rerank.sh [query-file] [top-100-file] [collection-file] [output- file]

2. To Run Language Model -

bash lm rerank.sh [rm1|rm2] [query-file] [top-100-file] [collection-dir] [output-file] [expansions-file]

Used for evaluation (to calculate nDCG)

3. For evaluation -

python eval_rms.py [output-file-path] [qrels-given]


rocchio rerank: bash script file lm rerank: bash script file query-file: file containing the queries in the same xml form as the training queries released top-100-file: a file containing the top100 documents in the same format as train and dev top100 files given, which need to be reranked collection-dir: directory containing the full document collection. Specifically, it will have metadata.csv, a subdirectory named docu- ment parses which in turn contains subdirectories pdf json and pmc json. output-file: file to which the output in the trec eval format has to be written rm1|rm2: (only for LM) specifies if we are using RM1 or RM2 variant of relevance model. expansions-file:(only for LM) specifis the file to which the expansion terms used for each query should be output.

For eval -

output-file-path: Provide the file path for calculating nDCG qrels-given : Provide the qrels having relevence