
Make reliable prototypes.

Primary LanguageElixir

IWT Elm Phoenix Example

Getting Started


Install Docker

Install Elixir

Install Node.js/npm

Install Hex (Elixir package manager):

mix local.hex

Install Phoenix:

mix archive.install https://github.com/phoenixframework/archives/raw/master/phx_new.ez

Install npx (if you don't already have it):

npm i -g npx

Initial setup

Prep the DB:

npm run start-db
cd backend && mix ecto.create

Every time you develop

npm install
npm run update-db
npm start

Open psql:

npm run psql

Example workflow

When creating prototypes, a quick feedback loop is important. Here's an example of how you might work on a new feature:

  /--> (start) Define data structure ----\
 /                                        \
/                                          |
|                                          v
|                                    Update query
|                                          |
 \                                        /
  \                                      /
   \----------- Update view <-----------/  

Create Patient/patients schema

Create the model, a migration and updates the database.

cd backend # TODO: Move mix.exs to top-level project folder.
mix phx.gen.schema Patient patients firstName:string lastName:string mrn:string dateOfBirth:date
mix ecto.migrate

GraphQL Query:

  query {
    allPatients {
      nodes {

Update frontend GraphQL API

For now, this is a manual step. I'm investigating how to automatically run elm-graphql on schema change.

npm run update-graphql