
Karabiner/Vim/Zsh configs

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT

My configs


  1. Install brew.

  2. Install oh-my-zsh.

  3. Clone the repo to ~/dotfiles.

  4. Run install.sh.


Tool Usage
Karabiner Better keyboard
iterm2 Terminal emulator
neovim Text editor
tig Git pager
IntelliJ Idea Working notes
PHPStorm IDE for TypeScript and PHP
Postico Postgres client
NoSQLBooster MongoDb client
kubectl Kubernetes control
Workflowy Idea list
Apple Reminders Task list
Apple Notes Personal notes


Command Action
Cmd-1 Switch to Safari
Cmd-2 Switch to iterm2
Cmd-3 Switch to Slack
Cmd-4 Switch to Postico
Cmd-7 Switch to IntelliJ
Cmd-8 Switch to NoSQLBooster
Cmd-9 Switch to PHPStorm
Cmd-0 Switch to Apple Notes
Cmd-Spc Swith language
Ctrl-Spc Open Spotlight

Important decisions on MacOS

1. Increase a key repeat rate

I'm a touch-typist and I don't like the standard MacOS key repeat rate. install.sh script will increase the keyboard repeat rate.

2. Map CapsLock to Control

It's easier to press CapsLock than Control.

3. Don't open a window in a full-screen mode

MacOS uses an animation when switches between full-screen windows. These animations are distracting me and that's why I don't open a window in a full-screen mode.

Git aliases

Command Action
g git log with tig
glol git log
gst git status
gd git diff
gsps git show recent commit
gl git pull
gp git push origin HEAD
gm git merge
gca git commit -v -a
gca1 git commit -v -a --amend

Don't forget to run:

git config --global user.name "your-name"
git config --global user.email "your-email"

Vim mappings

Command Action
SPC SPC Choose a file
SPC s Save current buffer
SPC q Quit Vim
SPC w Write current buffer
SPC d Delete current buffer
SPC w s Split current buffer horizontally
SPC w v Split current buffer vertically
SPC w m Maximize current window
SPC w w Go to the next window
SPC z Send Vim to background
Ctrl-l Toggle line numbers
Ctrl-h No highlight
zc Fold section
zo Open section