
This project is a completion to udacity-catalog-app project (in my github) which contains my private key to a live version of my catalog app uploaded as VPS on AWS (the system is down now permanently). (NOTE: I know that inclusion of private keys on a public repo is a COMPLETE INSANITY. I Uploaded it as per Udacity reviewers' instruction.)


Website info

IP Address:

Website URL:

SSH port: 2200

Software Summary

OS: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS

Web Server: Apache Web Server (with mod_wsgi)

RDBMS: Postgresql

Programming Language: Python

Web Framework: Flask

Service Provider: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

hosting type: VPS

Configuration Summary

  1. changed default SSH port to 2200

  2. made users login with public key auth only

  3. made new user 'grader' with same privileges as root

  4. used PostgreSQL to serve project's db instead of sqlite

  5. made a new role 'catalog' in PostgreSQL to manage the db instead of superuser 'postgres'

  6. made project.py (main project runner) acts as index.html

  7. made .git folder hidden to internet users

Third Party Resources

  1. UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 5th Edition

  2. DigitalOcean

  3. SQLALchemy

  4. SSH Docs

  5. Google Developers

  6. Ubuntu Forums

  7. StackExchange Websites

  8. Medium

  9. mod_wsgi Docs

  10. Flask Docs

  11. Liquid Web Knowledge Base

  12. tableplus.io

  13. github

  14. Apache HTTP Server Docs

  15. Python Docs

  16. computerhope.com

  17. Rackspace support

  18. staff.washington.edu

  19. Ubuntu Wiki

  20. www.linode.com

  21. kb.iu.edu

  22. sudo.ws

  23. www.linuxquestions.org

  24. tutorials.ubuntu.com

  25. linuxize.com