
Responsive web design is the practice of building websites that can adapt to every device and every screen size. During this course, we will learn how to build modern, responsive websites using HTML and CSS. As our course project, we will build a website from scratch and, as a bonus, we will add some functionality to it using JavaScript at the end of the course!

Primary LanguageHTML


Responsive web design is the practice of building websites that can adapt to every device and every screen size. During this course, we will learn how to build modern, responsive websites using HTML and CSS. As our course project, we will build a website from scratch and, as a bonus, we will add some functionality to it using JavaScript at the end of the course!

رابط الشهادة https://www.sololearn.com/Certificate/1162-21378354/jpg

الاختبار الأخير

Using JQuery, fill in the blanks to show an alert message when the document is ready. باستخدام JQuery ، املأ الفراغات لإظهار رسالة تنبيه عندما يكون المستند جاهزًا.

$(function() { alert("Hey"); });

Using JQuery, fill in the blanks to call the show() function for the element with the id="test". باستخدام JQuery ، املأ الفراغات لاستدعاء الدالة show () للعنصر بالمعرف = "test".
