
🧱 Local development

npm install

Installs the dependencies

npm run start:proxy

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:4200 to view it in the browser.

This makes use of a proxy to enable it to call the backend successfully.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

🚀 Deployment

The web app is live at

👎🏾 What are the limitations/problems?

  1. There isn't much error handling in case an API call fails or returns unexpected data.
  2. There is no testing setup.
  3. There are some inconsistency when loading images and hearts.
  4. Loading of images is slow on production but works well locally
  5. Animations are fluid locally but not as good on production
  6. Cats cannot be removed from favourites

⏳ With more time

  1. I would address the issues mentioned above.
  2. Learn more about Angular's features and see how they could make the web app better. E.g. lifecycle methods, better use of reactive features etc.
  3. Allow uploading of your own cat images